I'm talking real numbers here, not the stuff they publish which is skewed by allowing people to count 15 minutes/both parents counting study time with children.
Dude, they're still growing.
You might not like it, you might find it repellent, but they are still growing.
English-language congregations in the US (which I'm guessing you are the most familiar with) are beginning to decline, but Spanish-language congregations in the US are bursting at the seams, probably growing at around 10% per year. There are 300,000+ Spanish language JWs in the US alone.
In Central & South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe, they continue to grow at a fast pace.
Far fewer than 1% of JWs count "15 minutes" of field service time. "Both parents counting study time" increases the number of hours reported, not the number of publishers.
JWs fill a niche. There will always be a certain percentage of people who look for organizations to tell them what to do, or to think for them, or to decide for them, or to provide them with a measure of hope and social support in times of difficulty. The JW organization is here to stay, into the indefinite future.
All that being said, I do think the organization will go in decline, but probably not for another 10-15 years. Decline, not disappearance.