The bait has been hooked!

by educatingMyself 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • educatingMyself

    Alreet geezaz! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    A sweet old lady from my old hall has baited to a nice email I sent, which is good and bad, as you can see in my posts here I quite like the people at my old study hall, so I wanted to free a few minds from there.

    But on the other hand I didn't want ruin a nice old ladys whole lifes beliefs. I'm stuck in a conundrum. I meet her on Wednesday, how should I play it? Full on or low key to not give her a heart attack? lol




  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    But on the other hand I didn't want ruin a nice old ladys whole lifes beliefs.

    This nice old lady is a recruiter for a high control cult.

    Any recruits she makes will, in turn, recruit and damage more lives and familys.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    All the time she spends with you is time she won't be spending recruiting someone vulnerable.

  • educatingMyself

    Alreet Blacksheep, I know what you mean, but I'm also very convinced shes definitely believes in it, shes 80+ so researching things on the internet is alien to her, shes just been sucked in by what others have told her in my opinion.

    Anyway I think I'm going to just play it completely cool, mention stuff I know yet not bring print outs, just refer to that I can get them if shes interested. She 'fell out' with my old study conductor when he started to shun me, (basically because I think he was intimidated by what I knew) and so maybe perhaps, just perhaps she will be open to what I say.

    Worst comes to worst its worth a 10 minute call I think

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    mention stuff I know

    No. Don't do anything to trip opposer/apostate flags. Information that impresses you, might just scare her off at this point. Save that for much later.

    Ask questions based on what she shows you and tells you. That way, you don't have to bring anything new to the table.

    She has to realise that she is teaching you a load of crap by doing her own research to answer your questions. Don't do it for her.

    Take it slow.

    Be gentle.


  • RHodge6685

    When I was starting to have doubts, I asked one of the elder's wives (who was in her 70's) for her opinion about prayers. I told her I worked with mainstream Christians who often mentioned praying for things (which was true), and they had seemingly coincidental things happen in answer to their prayers (also true.) I asked the elder's wife how these prayers were seemingly answered, if Jehovah did not hear the prayers of non-JW's. She didn't have a good answer...she told me that many people's prayers were "answered", including the terrorist's prayers on 9/11. But that that was no indicator that God had heard them. That was all she said. And that answer didn't sit well with me, and caused me to research further. Hopefully, it made her think a little bit, too. I DA'ed soon after.

    But that is a possible idea for something you could bring up with the JW lady, that doesn't scream "apostate!". :smile:

  • KW13

    Personally i would say leave her alone. She's old. Emotionally, she will probably not cope with these 'ideas'.

  • Iamallcool

    I agree with KW13!


    shes old - her life is over, sorry if its harsh but its true

    even if she DID become convinced the WT is wrong - theres no way shes gonna leave at this stage. Her congo is all she knows.

    Better of spending time with younger people who still have lives to live

  • GOrwell

    It's like The Day after Tomorrow - where the President is consulting Dennis Quad, and staggered by the loss of life of the proposed plan, the military commander compares it to triage - "You have to save the ones you can." Same idea here, I think this lady is probably too far gone to change at this point, and she might just be happy to live out her days with her brand of opium. It's not impossible for older ones to leave (I have seen it), but it's very unlikely.


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