Can you think of any more?
by snowbird 11 Replies latest jw friends
Occasionally I have to make more than one attempt to sign on due to a typo, I can only imagine some of those posters having to sign on without resorting to copy and paste, or the remember my computer icon. By the way, Itscrapandtheyknowit, is to me the best username on this message board.
Think you got 'em Syl. The shortest username, at least in a tie, is: d
As for best usernames...I've always liked darth fader.
Edit: 2057pnt428571 is another longish one
No room for george, why dont you just save your password and log in - in firefox. Thats what i have on every webpagei commonly use youtube facebook JW etc. Then bookmark the page and drag the bookmarked icon to under your bar. then all you have to do is click any one of those buttons and it logs in you in your name directly, no need for typos etc.