I had not been to meetings in a long time, but I still had lingering guilt over what happens if the Big A comes when I am out. I found this video on youtube, which put the first nail in the coffin for the WT. The posters on this site put in the final 32 nails and put the WT in hades for me. PS Six-Screen Rick scared me away before I found this guy.
A Shot Out to the Vid That Got Me Out!
by Diest 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Cool! I'm glad your eyes are finally open!
Good find! I've just subscribed to WakeUpWitness's channel. It's sad that most who are in will just blindly accept that because it's come from the F&DS it is "inspired of God" and therefore cannot possibly be distorting concrete archaeological evidence.
breakfast of champions
I really like wakeupwitness' videos - simple, honest, direct. I wonder if he posts here...
This vid helped me
Someone on JWR emailed the archeologist and verified that she never said anything about 607. Just another fine example of the WT twisting things to suit their purpose.
Watch when I get home
He should have turned to page 162 and read paragraph 16. Notice anything suprising about this paragraph? Hint, there's 3 things ...
16 Jehovah proclaimed through Jeremiah that the
Jews would serve the Babylonians for 70 years. Then
God would bring his people back to their land. (Read
Jeremiah 25:8-11; 29:10.) Daniel had full confidence in
this prophecy, and he used it to determine when "the
devastations of Jerusalem" would end. (Dan. 9:2) "That
Jehovah's word from the mouth of Jeremiah might be
accomplished," stated Ezra, "Jehovah roused the spirit
of Cyrus the king of Persia," who had conquered Babylon,
to restore the Jews to their land. (Ezra 1:1-4) The returnees
could thereafter exult in the peace of their
homeland and restore pure worship there, as Jeremiah
had foretold. - Jer. 30:8-10; 31:3, 11 , 12; 32:37.