Grace and Dagney... peace to you both and my sincere apologies for offending you, for misstating "granddaughter" (vs. daughter), Grace, and for forgetting what you posted and who posted what I was responding to, Dagney. Both were mistakes and I ask you forgiveness. By way of explanation, my hard drive crashed a few weeks ago and so it takes close to 10 minutes for me to even get online (through a backdoor method) and another 10 or so to get onto JWN. And that's if my computer doesn't just up and close the internet connection down (which it sometime does and did during this post so that it takes 3-4 tries before I'm on). Usually, I respond almost line by line in order to prevent what happened today from happening; unfortunately, I went off "memory" because it was just too hard for me to get online and then try to scroll up and down in the post. That was entirely MY error, though, so, again, I apologize for misstating either/both of you.
I know about the duct tape; I do not know that Casey put it on the baby.
I do not believe nor did I state that ALL people who have been molested act out/become bad parents. Many, though, do. Many. If you were to interview much of the people in prison, on drugs, engaging in outrageous conduct, living on the streets, diagnosed with schizophrenia or dual-diagnosed, you would find that more of them than not were molested as children... and the "coping" mechanism was, primarily, creating a fictitious "life" in their minds. And... lying.
Just one example in my life was a former boss who lied more than anyone I've ever known (I think). I mean, not even good lies. Just... lied. Even unnecessarily. All of my peers knew it, but no one knew why. I inadvertently found out on a trip out of town. He and I had dinner... and a little too much wine... and he started talking. I though he was a homosexual (big deal, so what?)... but he wanted me to know that he had been married to a woman early in his life and was actually bisexual. Okaaaaaay. Then he told me that he had been molested by a male neighbor as a child. Ummm... why did I have wine??!! He said I was always "so easy to talk to" and he just wanted to "share." He said he felt "kind of relieved" since moving from Texas to California because here he could "be himself". He was in his late 30's. He said that he'd learned very young "how to hide" which is why he got married (his mother wanted him to because she was "afraid" he was gay). When I asked him HOW he hid, he said he would tell people what they wanted to hear. I realized then that in order to "hide" he learned to lie. And very well. But what was most revealing is that he didn't even know he was still doing it. Even when he didn't have to. And about practically everything (some of his lies were just over the top!).
That was one example, but I've met MANY people who have such circumstances; usually, though, they're not professionals but street urchins, homeless, delinquents, single mothers, hookers, etc. When you manage the projects, these are the kinds of people you meet. Them and their children/grandchildren. And you eventually start to learn just what's going on in a household... after you've responded to a few domestic disputes (mothers throwing hot oil on fathers/boyfriends for touching/molesting/raping daughters), met with CPS a number of times, and given statements to the police, etc. Problem is, it's "expected" in the projects. But apparently a bit difficult to buy when it occurs in "white bread" America. And no, that wasn't a racial slur. I meant it to imply affluence, regardless of the race of the family.
The conduct and behavior is classic, as I said. I can't really care if you ladies can't "see" it. But I would wager that if you asked any domestic/child abuse counselor, therapist, or psychologist, they would tell you the same thing.
I just think it's even more a pity... and indicative of our society... that this young woman was a victim herself... and just underwent trial for something that was probably done by her own abuser. Yet, no one stepped up. Of course, not. Too many "skeletons" would come out of THAT closet, and we can't have THAT... not right in our own backyard, not with a family we respected. But folks are so caught up... and blinded... by the sensation... that they just can't see past it. Can't bring themselves to even consider the POSSIBILITY that someone else was literally responsible, with Ms. Anthony only being indirectly responsible and part of a cover up.
But believe as you will... judge as you will. And I did not judge you or anyone else, Dagney. True, I misstated what you posted, but that truly was an unintended error, not a judgment. I simply included you in my question because you appeared to agree with Grace. I notice, though, that neither of you answered the question. But I am not surprised.
The Pharisees were certain that Christ was a blasphemer... and so executed him. While I realize that today we have the Bible to help those who need it understand that that was NOT the case, apparently his responses... and conduct... led the majority of the Jews to believe he had indeed blasphemed. So they got caught up, supported the "sensationalized" propaganda against him... and ultimately called for his death, too. I have to wonder how many of us here would have gotten caught up then, too. Because, in the end, only a very few actually stood by his side.. Even his friends deserted him. One openly denied him.
Bottom line: the prosecution didn't prove it's case. Because they COULDN'T... and jury saw this (thank God!). Because they were there and SAW much more than we who weren't there could ever even hear. They saw body language, expressions, people's looks at one another, reactions, etc. They heard whispers and low voices. We didn't. And as to what we DID hear, it was only bits and pieces, snipets... from which the media attempted to get us to pull together an entire picture. They did this... ON PURPOSE. They made MONEY off this. Low ratings don't make networks, news shows, and newspapers money.
Yes, it just might look like a duck, even quack like a duck. But the ugly duckling wasn't actually a duck... was he?
I stand by what I posted... and feel absolutely NO illwill if someone disagrees. It's all opinion, after all, which we're all entitled to, even if it's of absolutely NO consequence in this matter.
Again, I bid you both peace!
A slave of Christ,