Without giving biblical detail, support, the NT teaches that all those who trust Christ are born again/anointed. Jew and Gentile are one in Christ in the Church Age. WT heresy is a mix of truth and error. Many Christians emphasize heaven and do not understand the earthly issues. The earth issues relate to Israel, not the Church. Heaven is not limited to 144K, a major doctrinal error by WT (caste system that negates the person and work of Christ as mediator for all except a few; negates much of the NT for the average believer).
Basic overview (which will contradict WT on many points; futurist, pre-tribulation rapture, pre-millennial Second Coming view; other Christians hold to other views like amillennial, post-trib, etc., but I don't believe these are biblical).
The imminent return of Christ is when He comes back FOR the Church. This can happen at any time. The Church Age saints (from first century to present) will be taken to heaven with glorified bodies. Old Testament saints and those who die during the Tribulation period (Daniel's 70th week) will be raised after the Tribulation and the OT, Church, dead Trib martyr saints will rule and reign with Christ in glorified bodies after they come back WITH Him at His visible Second Coming (the whole 1914 doctrine is false, especially his supposed invisible return). The only ones who enter the millennium on earth (Paradise) are those who survive the Tribulation in natural bodies and were believers in Christ during this time. The unregenerate dead from the ages and those who die during the millennium will be raised after the 1000 years at the Great White Throne judgment. Most will be cast into the lake of fire, but the righteous millennial saints will go into the New Heaven and New Earth.
Contrary to WT, there is no general resurrection for a second chance during the 1000 years. There is no annihilation. OT saints are not on earth. So, WT is right about heavenly and earthly hope, but are wrong about 144K and Great Crowd (they once taught the crowd was in heaven, then went into more darkness vs new light). Most past/present saints will have a heavenly hope and the survivors of Armageddon (I hope there will be Jews/Muslims/Mormons/JWs, etc. who realize they were wrong and convert to the true Christ during this time; former JWs who become Christians and die or do so before the rapture will have a heavenly hope; former JWs who become Christians after the rapture and live beyond the Second Coming will have a heavenly hope).
So, when they complain that if we all go to heaven that there will be no one to rule on earth...problem solved...surviving Trib saints will be on earth. The key is that there is a different program for Israel (OT) and the Church. The Trib is a time of restoring Israel and wrath on Gentile nations. The Church Age is now and we are not appointed to wrath and have a hope of being with Jesus (most JWs will never be close to Jesus in their scheme; Christianity has much more to offer than cults do).