I've noticed a lot of newbies aren't bothering with long fades from the WT. Good for them, perhaps this younger, more savvy generation are more comfortable sticking two fingers up to the organisation and forcing their families to make the uncomfortable decisions about associating with them.
I applaud you, you were happy to believe it or leave it.
Me? I submitted my last field service report more than 11 years ago and have been 'fading' ever since, and I'm sick of it. Constantly minding what I have to say, constantly taking their precious consciences into account. I love them but this one way relationship makes ache. For eleven years I've really, really tried hard to keep these relationships alive but I'm just viewed with suspicion and fear. I'm tired of being an issue - I'm their brother!
When I started doubting all those years ago my field service was the first thing to go (a big deal for this ex-pioneer) and when I finally stopped believing it was 'The Truth' I said goodbye to the Kingdom Hall as well.
Except that . . . I haven't really left have I? Not completely anyway. A part of me is still 'owned' by this f**king cult that ensnared my family when I was just 4 years old. They still dangle the sword of Damocles over my head.
I have a decision to make . . . . .