Am I the Oldest One here??

by Undecided 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    HI All,

    Today is my birthday, born in 1936. That makes me 66. I can hardly beleive it. I'm still in good health but know it's just a short run until something does me in. I'm really thankful for the great life I've enjoyed, no real problems that I consider serious.

    I hope life treats all you young ones as well as it has me.

    Ken P.

  • flower

    ~*Happy Birthday To You, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ken, happy birthday to you!

    And many more!

    Nope, your not the oldest here. have a good day.


  • ZazuWitts


    Wishing you a VeRy HaPPy BiRthDaY!

    You sound like you have a good outlook on life, and I think you can expect many more years of 'good' life ahead for you to enjoy.

  • Doc_jedd

    Ken.......Happy B Day!!!!!!!!..........Have many more!:::::::::Jedd

  • Frenchy


  • peaceloveharmony




  • Lindy

    Happy Birthday!!! I am on the older side like you, but I am "only" 53. You have your health, so you can actually look forward to a good many more years of life. Just keep down the risk factors. In the Gerontology course I am taking this semester we learned that a very large amount of the population are now living well into the 100's. So you aren't as old as you think!! Or is that "you are as old as you thing you are?"

    Attitude about aging has a large affect on how well you do in the later years and with the hundreds being a big possibility now, you are only middle age! That short run that will do you in, is a longer way off than you thought.

    Celebrate! Have fun! Enjoy what life has taught you and what you enjoyed from it so far, and look forward to much more it will offer you. I know you will!!

    Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Keeennn. Happy birthday to YOU!!!!


  • ZazuWitts

    Great thoughts Lindy. I like to approach life with that positive attitude also...I do think it makes a difference. I'm 60, larc is 61.

    There are many bonafide clinical research studies that confirm that an individual's approach to the senior years... staying active, regular exercising, healthy diet and engaging in 'thinking' type pursuits, or even 'helping' endeavors such as community or charity work, do, in fact, contribute to longevity.

    Certainly, genetics plays a part too, but we have the opportunity to take some control, and do so many positive things to enhance our lives physically and emotionally.

    'Seniors' are the fastest growing segment of our society number-wise, and there are many web sites devoted to this topic.

    I participate on a couple of discussion boards relating to aspects of aging, and also receive several e-mail newsletters about creative ways to deal with aging.

    Once I got over the 'shock' of turning the big 60, I decided to take that measure of control and do whatever possible to enhance the years left to me.

    No 'age' is without problems. And frankly I don't belive I would 'choose' to be in my 20s-30s again. Those were the struggling, uncertain years. I just acknowledge where I'm at now, and do all I can to live my life to the fullest.

    Once again, Ken, Happy Birthday and
    Carpe Diem! (((Hugs)))

  • WildHorses

    Happy Birthday Ken. 66 years young. I have a good friend who just turned 72 this past December, he is one hell of a guy. Still works full time, and not because he has to either. Age tis but a number. You have many a good year left. Enjoy them.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • gilwarrior

    (imitating Marilyn Monroe)

    Happy Birthday Undecided
    Happy Birthday to you.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

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