I was cutting the grass today and I noticed there were many pieces of 'glasses' spread over a small part of the yard. I was wondering where did the 'glass' come from, so I took closer look at the ground, I discovered there is a top of the big rock that is slightly just above the ground level. I do not know if they are diamonds. What do you think they are?
I was cutting the grass today and.........
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
Post it to me and I'll check it out
Anony Mous
Lol. I got drunk in your backyard and smashed a bottle over the rock (or your neighbors threw a bottle over the fence). Diamonds? Please.
Yep, most likely diamonds. Collect them and rush to the nearest pawn shop.
pawn shop? I do not think so.
I think I will bring a small piece of it to the Jewelry store near here and have him ID it.
it might be quartz, hmmmm, I will have him check it out for me.
Yep, they're diamonds alright - just like every woman you meet is incredibly gorgeous and totally hot for you. You're the luckiest SOB on the planet!!
DanaBug, I learned that quartz is worthless. I googled it.