how true is that the circuit overseer's arrangement ends in 2011 ?
CO's arrangement finishes????
by wolfman85 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I haven't heard anything.
Crisis of Conscience
Right now it seems about as true as the JWs being the one true religion.
Black Sheep
They tell one person, then watch JWN to see who leaks it.
@BS - That is a legititmate mole search technique.. and the alternative of sending out letters to the body of elders with slight mis-prints - a comma here, a capital there, a fudge here. Send out enough of them, and you'll narrow down the source of the leak considerably..
I've seen threads about it but nothing else. Even if the rumor was true it could be something that was shot down later.
Mickey mouse
This was the thread that started it all, alost 3 years ago
• Pioneer hour change is legit. Letters are being mailed out soon to all congregations for announcement in early October right before the tract campaign starts.
Elimination of Circuit Overseers
• Implementation date 2011 service year
• Many District Overseer’s and some “Circuit Overseers” are getting along in years and slowing down. There is a need for several more suitable replacements.
• There is a need to prepare additional brothers to serve as “overseers” in case of persecution and isolation.
• Presiding Overseers will be trained for additional responsibilities at Patterson “Elders School”.
• After all Presiding Overseer’s have been trained and before this is implemented there will be a Kingdom Ministry school for all Elder’s.
• Various Presiding Overseers from around each circuit will visit the various congregations in the circuit.
• The visit of the “Overseer” will begin Thursday evening. Another meeting will be held Saturday evening and the public meeting will be on Sunday.
• The “Overseer” will share in service Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with the congregation.
• Additionally the “Overseer” will have a meeting with the local elders and pioneers.
• Congregations will receive three visits per year instead of just two.
• Circuit Overseers can be reassigned as “District Overseers” to fill the need of replacements.
• Other Circuit Overseers may be reassigned as “Special Pioneers” to assist in the field.
• Since there will be ample “Circuit Overseers” to replace the needed “District Overseers” the size of the district will be lowered from about 13-15 circuits to around 10 per district. This will enable the “District Overseer” to spend more time with the circuits.
• There will be more brothers trained to shoulder the responsibility of oversight when persecution breaks out.
• Instead of having one “Circuit Overseer” assigned to 20 congregations various brothers will be familiar with the needs of different congregations, in order to care for these congregations during the above mentioned difficult times.
• If a select few congregations became isolated for one reason or another, brothers who are already familiar with overseeing the needs of entire congregations would already be available to assist.
• If one “Overseer” was persecuted, arrested, etc. there would already be other qualified brothers to take the lead.
Expansion at Patterson
• Will start some time after upcoming Wallkill project is finished.
• Substantial plans have already been filed with Putnam County and Patterson City to obtain needed permits, and the okay has been given to start the project.
• Several additional office and residence buildings are to be built. The plan is to build as high as the government will allow; likely 5 or 6 floor buildings.
• Plan is to have HIS, Treasurer’s Office, Convention Office, and other smaller departments move there first.
• One new office building will be exclusively used by Governing Body, United States Branch Committee, Service, Publishing (Legal), and Writing Departments.
• Teaching Department will be in new building with Audio Video services with largely expanded studio from what they have right now.Expansion at Wallkill
• Likely will start in 2009.
• After completion plan to have the wood, machine, furniture, etc. shops and electrical, plumbing, and other mechanical training will move to Wallkill.
• Departments that coordinate RBC’s, KH building and other expansion projects will move to Wallkill.
• News
• Dumbo project in Brooklyn on Jay St has been scrapped.
• Buildings will continue to be sold. Residents will be moved to the larger buildings.
• Plan for eventually selling all buildings in Brooklyn between 2015 – 2020. -
I think maybe it will happen, just not yet. It may have been a downsizing idea they had, but upon scrutiny they probably found that C.O's and even D.O's don't hit the bottom line too much, and to change the system would be to relinquish a lot of control, they do not like to do that.
They are sure of the unwavering loyalty to the "Society" that their chosen men have, if they replaced them with self-funded local Elders, they could not be so sure.
AK - Jeff
They MAY BE backing off somewhat though. I can't confirm. But last week as I passed my old KH, lo and behold, a travel trailer like the ones used in times past for CO visits was sitting on the lot. It was there about a week.
This circuit has maintained an apartment for the CO for a couple of decades now. It made me wonder if they are 'cutting fat' in the local/national budget for the CO's. I don't have any additional information on that - but it did seem curious. Our CO's have been housed in luxury for a long time - perhaps they will not be now?
Mad Sweeney
The Borg leadership are so reactionary that no proposed plan can be counted on to actually take place. They have had books written, approved, and ready for translation and then scrapped. They get partway through building projects and then change plans, tear out walls, and re-do significant parts of the building. They release "new light" then withdraw it after just seven years only to re-release it 26 years later.
Do they or did they have a plan to end or modify the CO arrangement? Probably. But until it happens there are no guarantees it will ever happen.