How does it feel to be free from the Watchtower? While you were in did you realize you were enslaved and/or mind-controlled? Now that you are out and looking back, what are your thoughts about the mind control you were under when you were in?
These are some of the thoughts that will be discussed on this Saturday's Cult Free Radio show. On the fourth of July, Independence Day, I interviewed four people who used to be members of the Jehovah's Witness cult. I will air those interviews on the show and will discuss a bit about what freedom from the Borg means to me. I'll also pull some of the more inspiring and insightful comments from this thread (you'll remain anonymous) and talk about them on the show.
Add your thoughts here, listen in to the show, and add your thoughts on the social stream there, too. Or put your ideas on the Cult Free Radio Facebook page's Wall. (also, don't forget to "Like" the page and "Friend" me)
I hope this thread will become a good, positive discussion of freedom and independence - two things the Borg villifies - so that when people come here and read it, and if they listen to CFR, they will realize that there is true happiness OUTSIDE of the Borg and that freedom doesn't equate to a debauched life of sin.