So I've been told there are a few people on her that could help me with this problem?
To cut a very long story short, I was raised a JW, I left the WT in January to be with my partner, a non-jw. I was Marked for dating, even though I hadn't attended a meeting since december. I was kicked out (Rented from bethelites), my sister took me off our shared car insurance so I had no car, she cancelled my phone contract so I had no phone, and I had no job (worked with JWs)
So had a couple of months of stress. After I was marked, the elders left me pretty much alone. UNTIL me and my partner decided to have a baby, we were living together and I still hadn't attended a meeting in months. I obviously had to tell my mother, who proceeded to tell EVERYONE she could, despite the fact I told her it wasn't her business to spread around.
I received a summoning to a judicial committee for my crimes, I replied telling them I was happy and healthy and did not require their assistance. They continued to send me letters through my father, as they didn't have my address. These letters got more and more irate at me for not attending their JC's. They also made efforts to discover my new phone number from my parents so they could harrass me further.
I sent them another letter informing them that if they continued to send me letters or attempted to obtain my contact details from my family, I would take evidence to the police and have them done for harrassment. I also added that if they made any announcment regarding my status or standing within the congregation, I would consider this defamation of character and attemped damage to my reputation and I would take them to court for damages.
All was quiet for about a month, until I got a text from my dad telling me they DF'd me last thursday. They had clearly breaching my wishes and DF'd me without my knowledge or permission. I was not told it would be happening, nor informed WHY. They DF'd purely on word of mouth that I was pregnant and the fact I did not attend a JC.
I'm going to try and get myself a soliciter on monday, and have found one nearby that would be interested in my case. I'd like to sue the body of elders from my congregation personally, for harrassment and defamation of character. Does anyone have any idea how much of a chance I have? It is my understanding that they cannot publicly announce my name and religious status without my knowledge or permission.
Many thanks.