I couldn't stand it. Never heard any of it played live, which I imagine would be MUCH better, but still... I find it annoying. For people who like that type of music, I guess it was good. But I never thought they were even well-written songs, except maybe a couple. My cong never sang with much passion. A few did.
Did you REALLY like the music played at meetings? Did people in your cong. seem to like them?
by Chemical Emotions 32 Replies latest jw friends
I cant get enough...Can YOU SEEEEE in your minds eye.....people liiiiiiving forever.....sorrowww has past peace at last life withhhh out end at last. Even though I dont believe the thought of not having to face nothingness was the one that kept me in so long.....Back to the main point....the music sucks but so does christian rap and christian rock.
Back when I was a die hard JW and planning to get married, I wanted to walk down the aisle to a piece of classical music. I actually fought for it quite a bit and was told it was against the rules for a wedding in a KH - it HAD to be a kingdom melody. Blech. In retrospect I wish I had stuck to my guns more but I managed to find a tune that wasn't entirely unpleasant and it sure as hell wasn't the Shulamite Maiden.
The lyrics always caused more of an issue for me than the tunes. Of course this is in the old world before the new songbook from a couple of years ago, which I've thankfully never heard. Even back then though, the lyrics were...just weird.
Chemical Emotions
@Diest: 1) now I got that one stuck in my head.Thanks a lot. Lol. But yes, Christian music in general sucks pretty bad.
@poopsiecakes: Even as a JW I wanted to get married in anywhere but the Hall. (It was so bland and ugly to me.) And I wanted to play PUNK lol.
WT muzak is dead, dry, boring, theocratic, communistic. It is not praise and worship like the Bible exhorts or that is practiced in many Christian churches. They are singing songs with little passion, not worshipping in spirit and in truth. When evangelical churches worship, the palpable presence of God is often sensed (because Jesus is exalted). Since JWs deny Jesus/Holy Spirit (Deity/personality), they just have an oppressive spirit, not a divine one. At the Convention, they sang about making the truth your own. This is not exaltation of God like we see in Psalms.
What's with the canned music, no instruments, etc.? There is no spontaneity, just rigid control. At the Convention, 9000 people sang less enthusiastically than most people would for a national anthem at a sporting event.
Chemical Emotions
"Dead, dry, boring..."yup, you got it!
LOL Chem - punk at a JW wedding ceremony would be AWESOME!!!
well, eons ago when I was a kid at the KH, we had an old "sister" who played the piano and we sang along. I liked the singing. The music wasn't great, but kids don't care. That was the old-fashioned green songbook with the marbled cover.
At the huge convention at the Rose Bowl, can't remember what year but you old folks will remember, I had dinner with some big guns, including the music director from the wtbts, who was also a composer who wrote music for the movies. I remember sitting there quiet as a mouse listening to them all talk. Mostly they talked about how gays were ruining the film industry. I remember it was our CO, the DO, the music guy, all their wives and someone from Bethel who gave a high-powered talk. I think this guy had a lot to do with the downward direction the KH music took thereafter.
How did I get in that august company? The CO and his wife lived near me in the trailer park and gave me, the young single sister, a ride to the convention.
Ah, memories