I was wondering how many of you engage in meditation and if so what kind? I went to a new group today that does mindful meditation. It comes out of a buddihist tradition. It was really awesome experience to me. I enjoyed. I think I am going to try to spend some time meditating everyday. I was only doing it once a week, but I think it would be beneficial to do once a day...Any one have any ideas on some good meditation books that I could read and do mindful meditation...
by wonderwoman77 14 Replies latest jw friends
Greetings Wonder Woman....I`ve always been interested in meditation but, no one has ever explained to me how to go about doing it. I`ve heard many good things about this practice,and would like to give it a go. Please if you will explain to me how i can start meditating,and what to expect from it ......Thank you in advance..........Jedd
Wonder Woman
I do Iyanga Yoga and meditation everyday of the week. I have my instructor with me once a week and then I do 30 minutes of yoga followed by at least 15 minutes meditation a day.
I love it.
Get Ye behind me Satan... and push harder!!
uncle jimbo
where's your picture wonderwoman?
Hello Wonderwoman77
I am a firm believer in meditation,there are plenty of books on this subject,go to www.amazon.com if you are in a america,type in books then meditation and numerous titles will appear.For me personally i take about 1 hour a day and sit in silence,sometimes i feel i want to listen to music,it depends how i am feeling.
Jedd...I am not an expert in meditation, but there are some simple instructions that can be found at meditationcenter.com They do a good job simply describing meditation. I usually do the mindful meditation or the inner light one. I was looking to find some books that had some sayings I could meditate on. Thanks for the suggestion QCA...
WW77....Thankyou for the reply ill go to the site and check it out.........Jedd
Not too much! It has WTS overtones!
I'll bet if you Google your query, you'll find tons of info online:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=meditation+sayings
Kristen -
When i decided to meditate, i read two books by lawrence leshan, 'the medium, the mystic and the physicist' and 'how to meditate' - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0553244531/qid=1013387942/sr=1-8/ref=sr_1_8/103-7469787-4979049
In the second book, he describes many meditation methods. I settled on counting outbreaths from one to five. I did this 15 minutes a day for quite a while. It gives me a bit more centered , peaceful feeling that lasts. He is totally non religious.SS