New arrangement

by DagothUr 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    I remember one circus over-sneer saying : 'When you pray to Jar-Hoover, tell him why you can't pious-sneer!' (IE. There is no more or god will lovingly kill you SOON (Subject to 'overlapping').

    They are seemingly desparate to get more signed up to boast about it later.

    ''We sent a great shout of praise to Jar-Hoover with the pious-sneering figures! We are certainly doing more to avoid being lovingly killed by god SOON (subject to 'overlapping').......but you still might die if you don't do more!!!''

    Those doing 50 hours won't die so horribly as the puny 30 hour excuses for a person!

    When you turn in your report you will be judged in the usual manner!!!!

  • Lore

    I wonder how many of the people who volunteered in April actually failed to get their 30 hours in. Would they have been included in the figures?

  • WTWizard

    Hopefully, this dilutes the status of pio-sneering. If you cut the underlying amount of work that backs up the status, you are doing the same thing as when the Fed prints more toilet papers and floods the market with this "money". Eventually, I am hoping they get status hyperinflation, and no one wants to do the work if there is no longer any status value.

    People should do the amount at which point the total cost of doing the next unit just starts to exceed the total actual benefit. Doing less means giving up the amount of benefit above and beyond the extra cost, and doing more means incurring more cost than it's worth. And if this happens at zero or negative, one should do zero or negative. If they want people doing more field circus, they need to make sure the actual value received by doing it exceeds the total cost--lying doesn't count, because if the "benefit" gets hit with "hyperinflation" caused by people losing trust in the system, it will cease to be perceived.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Hopefully, this dilutes the status of pio-sneering.

    For the life of me I can't understand why the status of pioneering wasn't diminished significantly since this last special month of activity. A person can do 30 hours in one month, and for that month only they can have an honorary pioneer title just like all the ones who've been doing 70 hours for the past several years. Hello!!! Mcfly!!! Is anybody in there?!?!?!?

  • skeeter1

    Giving people status is a way to keep the numbers from leaving. What's that old song? "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today." If more people have a status job, then they are more likely to become devout and stay. Ego stroking. So, the WTS decreases the work hour requirement, with the purpose of making the some of the remaining JWs more devout. When you have dwindling resources, you employ those remaining resources to the fullest. Sort of like, building a skyscraper on a lot of land. Get more people into pioneering, by making shorter hour requirements. The more people say, "I'm a pioneer", the more status they get within the group, and the better they feel about being a Jehovah's Witness. Some will leave, as we have alot of ex-pioneers on this board.

  • clarity

    Punkofnice ...

    Those doing 50 hours won't die so horribly as the puny 30 hour excuses for a person!

    When you turn in your report you will be judged in the usual manner!!!!

    hahahahahahahahahahhhhhaaaahhhhahhhahahahahhhahhahhhhh love it!!!

    clarity (btw when you first came here I read your avatar as being 'punkface' sorry!)

  • DesirousOfChange

    Giving people status is a way to keep the numbers from leaving. What's that old song? "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today." If more people have a status job, then they are more likely to become devout and stay. Ego stroking.

    This is how most groups that depend on volunteers, including religions, do it. Get people involved. We NEED you! No church or charity ever gets done with its project. You build a church rectory, now you need an educational center. You cure polio, you move on to "birth defects" (March of Dimes never quit after polio was cured, just changed their marketing.) Just like the Uncle Sam poster: WE WANT YOU! People need to feel needed and to feel that they are accomplishing good in their lives. More hours preaching. More new Kingdom Halls to be built. Please give more......

  • carla

    working toward a 30-hour or a 50-hour requirement---requirement? guess this destroys my jw's point of everything being voluntary and the numbers are just something to 'strive' for not 'required'. How often to jw's tell householders that they are not 'required' to do fs? they do it because they want to. bullshit.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    At the convention they said it was a 'great success' and implied that it might be repeated (or at least that was what the local dubs heard, I was snoozing). The stats: 2.8M aux. pioneers that month (out of almost 8 million) working like a combined 3500 years. I mean, elders, servants and bethelites and their families were all pressured to participate (or else...)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Once you lower the bar, there's no raising it. How many that might have done 50 will settle for 30? Watchtower will just have to hope this keeps more of the sheeples signing up for less.

    Could you imagine if they said aux pios will be required to put in 60 hrs next March? What would happen if they decided to restore the CBS arrangement with an extra night of meetings again in private homes and back to the full-length TMS and SM? This is really slacking off as "the end draws near".

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