Had to google "acquiescence"...I repeat, wtf?
Being a feminist in the JW religion
by Chemical Emotions 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know if I can be considered a "feminist", at least not in the sense of being a political activist.
But, do I speak my mind? Yes. Do I object vehemently to sexism? Yes. Will I let a man control me bc he is superior? No. etc, etc. Will I try to raise the consciousness of others when there is an opportunity? Yes.
It was only after I left JWs that I read "The Women's Room" by Marilyn French. It blew my mind. And I realized that I had swallowed all that "submissive - obedient - weaker - inferior" shit hook line and sinker. The mindset had almost killed me.
That book changed me and my life and I said never again.
Thankfully I met a wonderful man who understood it all. Married happily 23 yrs this year. We are a team of equals.
Chemical Emotions
creativespirit: It's great that you found someone who understands. Glad to hear from someone who won't take that "submissive" BS.
To be fair, the Bible also contains feminism.
To see a strong heroine in the OT, read the book of Judith (it's in the Septuagint aka "apocrypha", so you won't find it in the NWT). Abridged version: The male leaders of the besiged town of Bethulia are ready to capitulate to Nebuchadnezzer's general Holofernes. The widow Judith summons them to her house and says in effect "Don't ask questions, spineless cowards, just let me handle this!" She goes to the enemy camp and charms Holofernes. Soon after, He falls to wine, lust, and Judith's hand upon his own sword. She brings his head back to the Israelites as proof the general is dead, which rallies the troops and panics the leaderless opposing army. An Old Testament massacre ensues. Vast stores of booty are captured from the fleeing enemy. All because of a determined Jewish widow!
Chemical Emotions
Cool story!
Don't pull a few stories out of the bible and claim they support feminism. The overall tone of the bible clearly puts women in a second class, owned as property.
I don't know if you could exactly call me a feminist; I do resist strongly anyone's attempt to treat me as "less than." I try to treat men and women equally, and I like to tell girls they need to earn their own money.
The way women are controlled in the wtbts is ludicrous. I remember women searching for a Kleenex of all things to put on a woman's head so she could say a prayer at the field service meeting, because there was a baptized boy present. Jesus what a load of crap.
*nods vigorously* The obvious degradation of women is one of the BIGGEST issues I have with the JW organization and one of the main reasons why I will never convert.
My (JW) fiance doesn't seem to think that they are wrong (of course), because of the "Headship" (or, as I like to call it, the "Penis-ship"). I have a huge problem with the fact that I can't hold a talk or that I'd have to keep my head covered if I want to pray in front of men. I am a feminist and I believe in the equality of men and women. If I ever joined up, I'd want to be able to do a talk or be an elder. I like being in a leadership role, and an organization that doesn't allow that is not one that I want to be a part of.
You really need to leave him Junebug. Please refer back to your own thread before commenting further...
good for you junebug
come to think of it I too would have much preferred being in a leadership role and would much rather have been giving the talks than receiving them.
Chemical Emotions
Hortensia & junebug_11:
If I could have had the oppertunity to give talks and be treated more equally, I would be much more favorable toward JWs.