Have mankind become more humane then the God they serve?
by jam 12 Replies latest jw experiences
nancy drew
Many laws in the Bible resulted in death for those that
broke the laws. Today, those same laws would be inhumane
by the greater number number of mankind. So have mankind
grown in our consciousness, or have God change.
Chemical Emotions
Yes, I think so, at least in some regards. No stoning rape victims who didn't scream, or forcing rape victims to marry the rapist, for example.
Yeah, I think many humans are more humane than the god of the Bible. But then, I'm an atheist. I also think an average, modern human could write a better religious book than the Bible. So... (shrugs).
There seems to be an assumption in the title that there is 'a God' humans serve.
Humans have served thousands of gods.
I only serve Caesar because I am sane.
Humans apart from the Bible developed the concepts of a Republic and Democracy.
Definitely. Modern awareness exposed the genocidal rage of the God of the Old Testament. Prior to the 20th Century, mankind wasn't aware of the disgusting wiping out of entire peoples that litter the pages of the Old Testament. Now we see it for what it is: Violence. It's amazing though how many Bible believers skipright over the jealous rages in scripture and talk about God's love.
Band on the Run
Carl Jung, the noted psychologist, a protoge of Freud who split with him, wrote Answer to Job to deal with the issues of human suffering. His main point was your very point. Humans show themselves more evolved with much better morals than the God of Abraham?issac/Jesus or Job. There are rebuttals to Jung, of course. When I read it, I was suffering untreatable pain. Suffering was all I did. Now, I am pain free but my rage continues.
There is a blood lust in God, particularly in the Old Testament. The problem of Jesus needs to be addressed, too. Nicholas Katzenzakis wrote The Last Temptation of Christ to stress Jesus' humanity which he felt was being sacrifice by the church of his time to God the father, all-knowing. His Jesus stumbles. While on the cross, Jesus' pain is so unendurable that Jesus hallucinates. An angel, a little girl, actually a demon or Satan, appears and tells him he need not finish his test b/c God does not demand human sacrifice. Jesus more than showed his obedience. He gets off the cross and resumes normal life. Magdalene and he live together until she dies. Next, he moves on to Mary, sister of Lazarus and Martha. He is a carpenter and has many children. Late in life, he accidently overhears Saul of Tarsus preaching that he died on the cross. He heatedly confronts Saul for lying.
Speaking to Saul, he realizes he needs to die on the cross. He begs God to let him die. His delusion is broken and he dies on the cross.
It seems to me logical that Jesus' actual sacrifice, the blood and gores, was not necessary. When the film appeared in NY, the Catholic bishop forbade Catholics to watch it which made it a number 1 hit for many weeks amongst the celebrity and intelligentsia crowd.
I know no answers, only questions. It seemed to me that no one was discussing God and morality in my crowd. There is such a literary and theological strand on this matter. I was amazed. Not knowing answers bothered me for several decades after leaving the Witnesses. Slowly, I realized asking the questions was the important part. Maybe God and I will discuss it. Perhaps we already have. Vicktor Frankl wrote an important book too, The Meaning of Suffering.