I have been slow to start a thread because I wanted to see what topics were already being discussed. Having left WT I have a disdain for organized Christian religion at the moment. I am interested in your experience, research or observations about Non-Christian religions and Philosophy ONLY. I respect atheists but I am not ready to consider that route at this moment. Thoughts?
What is Your Experience with Non-Christian Religions and Philosophy ONLY?
by MrDarkKnight 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Start by reading some of the most ancient of texts, Sumer, Babylonian, Vedic, Indus valley, Meso American, etc. emerse yourself in their pespective of the universe and you will find that they are all pretty much the same. Personally, I think we were seeded, a grand experiment/project that has long been forgotten. Just live your life and be happy. If god really existed things would not have gone on for this long. Xianism makes no sense, Christ/Satan/YHWH etc. are all tales spun out of older mythos and traditions. Get a feel for the world and stop worrying about what some invisible deity may or may not do... thats my take.
What have you discovered in your journey thus far?
I attended services with the Quakers for a while. They were extremely accepting and open. I was so lost when I started with them, but I was able to explore many religious ideas and philosophical tangents with them. I'm sure that the experience would vary depending on the group, but mine was great.
I am currently attending at a Reform Jewish synagogue. They are also very accepting and open to different ideas, but focus on religious topics than philosophy.
Is there a certain group that you are interested in trying?
Gnosticism is pretty cool. It turns the whole Judeo-Christian myth on its head. As far as a personal philosophy, philosophical Taoism resonates with me the most. Taoism emphasizes a connection to nature, opposites (yin and yang), and being in the 'now'. It's very compatible with science, and with practical reality (no waiting around for heaven or some utopia). If you haven't read much philosophy, Nietzsche and the later existentialists are a good way to go.
jay88 - Frankly after 38 years of going to meetings three days a week I have not pursued anything. I have avoided the supernatural aspects of religious writings in general and focused on the message of Buddah, Tao and Confucious. I have had to adjust to not having any friends or family who will talk with me and it takes some time to drop the thinking that outside forces are constantly meddling in your life. It was only about a month ago that I realized, "life happens". That realization has made me even happier and now I feel ready to connect with other people in a real way not in the superficial way I have in the past.
Rocky_Girl - At this point I honestly am trying to avoid groups. I am more interested in reading literature that is spiritual or inspriational in nature and seeing what if anything I can use in my life.
Sinis - I don't know I really like it here on earth, I like the area where I have moved and I love my career in Engineering. My company is paying for me get certified as an Engineer. I have enough practical experience I can do it without a Engineering degree (I was one of the lucky guys who actually learned a skill at Bethel that allowed me to have a succesful career and make money when I left. For that I thank the WTS.)
As long as I have breath in my body I want continue to be happy, be a good citizen of the world and help my fellowman. Anything that will help me do that is what I am seeking.
I was an atheist before I left the JW religion, but my husband turned from the JW religion to non-denominational Christianity. Then he started reading about Eastern religions. He took a university course and read a text book on World Religions, which was very informative. Not only did it give him a basic understanding of many religious beliefs and practices, it also helped him understand the origins of many of these religions. We discussed that a lot at the time, and I found it very interesting too on an academic level. He was really into meditation and interested in Zen for a while. My suggestion would be to take a class in World Religion if you can, and if you can't then read an unbiased book that presents an introduction to a number of different non-Christian religions. From there, decide what interests you most and explore those religions in more depth. We were all taught what to believe about other religions. Allow yourself to openly explore at least an introduction to all major world religions. You'll figure out what interests you and what you want to explore from there.
Best of luck in your journey!
Judaism was very helpful and insightful. Probably a Naturalist best describes this stage of the journey.
I really enjoyed reading James Redfield's books (the Celestine Prophecy series), and Dan Millman's Peaceful Warrior series. Also "Everything Happens for a Reason" by Suzanne Northrop. In general, they talk about how we choose what major events and people we will have in our lives, in order for our souls to evolve. I love to read and think about spirituality, but definitely don't believe Christianity's version.
Through a bit of serendipity, I've been spending quite a bit of time with Pagans and Wiccans. They are much more substantial than most Christian groups I've been around. Judgement is not something that really rates on their radar. They are much less fearful and feel a great deal more powerful over their lives. Instead of reaching outward they reach inward for their strength. I'll probably never be one of them, but they have probably gotten a bad rap. You can discuss about anything with them and they never insist their way is right. They really believe everyone gets to choose their path and aren't big on prosylitizing. When Christians rev up, they do all they can to escape. It's funny.