I have been going to an IFB baptist type church for about past 3 months, I started going in March and have decided to quit going, need advice on how to send them a letter I don't want to go anymore, its a soulwinning, King James onlyism type church, wow are they ever putting pressure on me to be in church every time the doors are open, I explain to them that I work alot of overtime, have my own home to take care of, also I have my ham radio hobby that I am involved in and also like to do volunteer type work, since I been missing alot of church every Sunday I get a phone call from the pastor on why I wasn't in church, now I am to the point where I don't even answer my phone anymore when they call, but wow the pressure, its very irritating how legalistic church attendance for certain churches has gotten.
On the other hand I have decided that I still want to go to some sort of church, for a very short time in Februiary i was going to a communicty type church where everyone is wearing something different, I noticed that alot of people wear blue jeans, even the pastor wears blue jeans, also its a non denominational type church that has alot of volunteer opportunities which I love doing, I have decided to go back to the non denomminational type church since I don't feel no pressure there.