I was working for a brother in the construction trade and working for a FULL day - week was very important to me since my wife just had a baby ($$$).
One day this bro. is driving the crew to a job, and we pull up to a quick build and he proceeds to tell us that we are going to work here for two days. Since this whole jw building thing was new to me I went along,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Well, he did not pay anyone on the crew for those days, he said is was our offering to God. That really hurt, summertime in construction is for making money since the winter is pretty bare for work.
Perhaps if he had let everyone know ahead of time what to expect it would not have been so stressful later on.
Years later I worked in the first aid trailer at several sites, that was not bad, but at one the overseer would not allow any sisters to be alone in the
trailer with me . Yea right, like I'm some kind of molester.