My idol worship of Rick Springfield...

by QuestioningEverything 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • QuestioningEverything

    When I was a teenager in the early-mid 80's, Rick Springfield was popular . As a teen girl, I was in love with him and his music. The girl who studied with me was quite verbal about not idol-worshipping him or any pop culture personality. And at the time, quite a lot of the literature seemed to have articles about worshipping sports stars, musicians, etc...

    Did you know that hanging posters on my bedroom was was just like having a graven image of him. Really? So, I put a poster of him in my closet. For some reason, in my 13 year old mind, that wasn't as bad as having it displayed on my bedroom wall. I felt guilty for wanting to see him in concert and listening to his music.

    I look at this now and realize how truly crazy the religion is. It's normal for a teenager to want posters and magazines with their favorite athlete, pop star, rapper or whatever in it. My boys are sports freaks. They all went through a phase where they wanted to have nothing but sports posters and magazine clips on their wall.

  • talesin

    I wish that I had Jessy's girl !

    Where can I find a woman like that?

    The guitar in that song is just awesome.

    Did you see him on Oprah last year? mraaoowww!!! still hot after all these years ...

    Yes, I remember not being allowed to 'idol worship' rock stars by putting up posters in my room ..... RIDICULOUS!!! G*d forbid the JWs let their kids be kids, for frick's sake.

    I'm playing that song RIGHT NOW on youtube, as a gesture of defiance for you and me --- at my old age, I've even joined the K*I*S*S army. :D


  • NewChapter

    LOL, I'm around your age then. I remember Rick Springfield and even followed him on General Hospital. Dr. Noah Drake. He was on Californication too. The show is definitely R rated, and Springfield plays himself in a very R way. But I thought it was funny.

    The important thing is I don't have Rick Springfield posters, or in my case, Zeppelin or Frampton posters on my walls anymore. It's just yet another normal teenage phase that the org dubs as evil. They have very little patience for normal teenagers and their normal phases.


  • QuestioningEverything

    I saw him in concert last night! I loved it. It brought back a lot of memories from my teen years. He has aged QUITE well.

    "They have very little patience for normal teenagers and their normal phases." This is soo true.

  • NewChapter

    He has aged well! Californication was funny cuz he played himself as caught up in his former glory and getting a kick out of still getting the women---only now those women were the DAUGHTERS of the groupies he used to have. So freaking funny.


  • QuestioningEverything

    I am going to have to check 'Californication' out. My hubby went to the concert with me and teased me a bit about him. It was a good night!

  • NewChapter

    LOL, just be aware. It has a lot of sex. That still bothers some people, but it usually made me laugh.

    He would pay prostitutes to say things like "I can't believe I'm with Rick Springfield!" while doing the deed. They would say it with this really bored tone. The part I liked was his willingness to make fun of himself. Honestly he played himself as really sleazy. Still, like we said, he looked good.

    I saw him covered on some BIO episode. He really worked hard to get where he was. He was making a name in Australia and came to America. Anyway he had a hit (I don't remember what) but a rumor got out that he was paying radio stations to play his song. That caused his career to crash and burn. He didn't give up though, and some years later we got Jesse's Girl. Before watching that, I'd had no idea that he'd already hit the charts once.


  • QuestioningEverything

    LOL, just be aware. It has a lot of sex.

    That doesn't bother me.

  • talesin

    Yes, that is on my list to download,,,, Californication .... been waiting a long time to watch that show!


  • NewChapter

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