priests in the news why not JWs?

by target 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck


    Catholics are famous for just moving priests that are child abusers from church to church. JWs will hold a judicial committe against the child abuser and disfellowship him if necessary.
    When have you heard of a child molester being DF'd? This so rarely happens it is criminal....literally.

    Go to Nicoloau's web site and read this story from a newspaper in Kentucky.

    Gee, out of all the molesters listed, only one was DF'd and brought to justice as a result of the elders.

    Pedophile's need to be prosecuted. Not slapped on the hand in a JC committee. What a joke. DF someone for smoking and someone else for molesting children. Yeah, that is what GOD would want!

    Pedophile's should not be elders, MS, or anything else. They should be in jail...then their neighbors should be notified when they get out of jail that a pedophile moved in. Period. Once a pedophile, always.

  • Quasipseudo

    Puffsrule, I have a question about the link you posted. Perhaps you do not know the answer, but someone else may. The article states that the Houston teenager is now 19. Does that mean that in 2002 she was 19? Or is this an old article?

    The reason I ask this is that if she was being molested by her brother in the mid-eighties, (let's say 1987), then she would have been only four and her brother only seven!

  • teenyuck

    Sorry for the delay...I checked the web...

    The story is from

    Paducah Sun 28.1.2001, in Paducah, Kentucky

    Nicoloau's web site got that from a newspaper, which is fairly new. It is possible she was that young.

    One of the people accusing the catholic priest is now 40ish; he was 12 when it happened. I do not believe that there is a statute of limitations on this.

    Carl Pandelo, of Hackensack, N.J., was naturally shocked when his daughter came to him and his wife in 1988 and told them she had been molested by his father. What he would later find would shock him even more. At the time, Pandelo's daughter told her parents that her grandfather, Clement, had molested her once. They took the matter to the elders, who in turn questioned Clement, and he confessed. The elders advised him to turn himself in, which he did. He was removed from the fellowship shortly thereafter.

    The elders also advised Carl and his wife not to pursue prosecution but to settle for a plea bargain because going to court would only worsen the girl's mental state. They agreed, and in 1989 Clement Pandelo was ordered to undergo counseling and given five years probation, according to court documents.

    He also admitted that he had been fondling young girls for four decades. Investigators' reports note that he was investigated in 1986 for fondling his female teen-age neighbor, but her mother declined to press charges.

    During the course of the civil case, several Witnesses claimed that Clement Pandelo had molested them as well, and they waived ecclesiastical privilege so the elders could testify to what they had been told, Carl Pandelo said. The elders, citing ecclesiastical privilege, refused to testify.

    In December 1999, the civil case was decided against Clement Pandelo, and his son and daughter-in-law were awarded nearly $1.8 million, plus $500,000 in punitive damages. Clement's wife, Olga Pandelo, was dismissed from the suit, and with her went the insurance company that would have been able to pay the decision. Carl and Barbara are arguing on appeal that the Witnesses' elders cannot claim ecclesiastical privilege because they are volunteer, thus unpaid, clergy. They are also trying to have Olga Pandelo reinstated. A hearing is scheduled Feb. 26 in New Jersey Appellate Court.

  • Quasipseudo

    Thanks Puffsrule. My question is less about the statute of limitations on this and more about the fact that it would seem to me that a seven year old boy, (or perhaps even younger), would not do such a thing without having been "taught" by an adult. If the boy was 8 or 9 when the elders first heard about this, alarm bells should have gone off. I think that there is much more being hidden about this story. The boy was abused as well. I'd bet my bottom dollar.

  • sf

    "I started yesterday, by e-mailing Bill O'Reilly. He is Catholic. If nothing else, maybe it will make him mad that the JW's are not in the news and Catholics are!"

    I have been emailing Mr. O'Reilly (also Hannity/Colmes) for a solid year now with nothing BUT WATCHTOWER related news, sites, data and documents. Especially Mr. Bowens "material" and all articles re: Erica's case. He has yet to respond to ANY of them. Why? I wish I knew for sure.

    I sure hope your mails get his attention and that he stops deciding for us what we should see in the news.

    The "we report,you decide" motto they hold to is only good on what THEY CHOOSE TO REPORT. So give 'em hell at FOX! Get them off their selective reporting asses, if you can.

    It's good to know others are mailing FOX too.


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

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