Maxine Waters - (D) 35th District of CA. This has got to be the most amazing and entertaining woman alive! And I don't mean that in a Bob Hope kind of way....
Maxine Waters...A Seriously Delirious Lady
by Sam Whiskey 10 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not so fond of Maxine Waters.
Sam Whiskey
I'm just not sure what planet she's from?
She may be delirious, but her nieces are very beautiful
Maxine's husband is on the Board of a Bank in LA, but he's outside the good ol boys club that got the handouts for buying up toxic assests. Goldman Sachs got fast-tracked into a Bank from a Brokerage so they could receive TARP money after causing the loss of Billions. Its not certain why her husband's Bank may have been turned down for Federal Loans. She has lobbied on behalf of her husband's Bank in the past in violation of her Congressional seat. Still the great shift to a few centralized Big Banks is happening at a fast clip. By raising the Capitalization standards the Fed effectively is causing the demize of 100s of small community Banks across the country.
This was a well orchestrated financial collaspe and shift of power. With Federal funds (your money) a few Institutions have bought up whole tracts of homes. And now the fleecing of the Middle Class will start all over again in a few years as they resell homes they sold to you before the Crash.
Maxine's husband is on the Board of a Bank in LA, but he's outside the good ol boys club that got the handouts for buying up toxic assests. Goldman Sachs got fast-tracked into a Bank from a Brokerage so they could receive TARP money after causing the loss of Billions. Its not certain why her husband's Bank may have been turned down for Federal Loans.
Not that they haven't asked...and gotten considerations in the past.
She has lobbied on behalf of her husband's Bank in the past in violation of her Congressional seat.
And investigation of this has been stalled for a long time.
I think the style of one's Larceny has a lot to do with how big the check is. Bring a little panache to the table and more 000,000.00's get added to the pot.
And investigation of this has been stalled for a long time.
Stalled? Try ethics committee violations BY the ethics committee members!!!
Hmmm I get it now. You are trying to come up with a left wing loony that can compare to the abundance of right wing loonies that are so prevalent today.
Ten Maxine Waters couldn't begin to close the loon gap between left and right.......