I have seen it often myself. It is sooooo ironic from where it most often originates. From the mouth of another person who has accepted without investigation the cultural religion that he/she has learned from childhood.
I really have to wonder out loud here: If there was a nation, I mean an actual nation of millions of people who had really believed and raised their children to believe in The Invisible Pink Unicorn, how would the rest of the world view them?
This is exactly how religion now appears to me [and perhaps to many other atheists, for I don't wish to presume upon them]. Christians, Muslims, Jews, would laugh you out of the room if you professed belief in IPU, and meant it with a straight face. But the delusions of those major religions and many other 'minor' ones, are no less comical when viewed from a sober perspective.
I still find it utterly amazing that my personal investigation, and the lack of a single shred of REAL EVIDENCE to support belief in invisible beings interested in mankind and having made 'arrangements' for our 'salvation', is taken as a reaction to my exit from a cult. The exit from a cult is traumatic, and as such, it begins the process of investigation, serious investigation, into religion, god, theology, for many, as it did for me. But it is not the reaction to such exit that has formed my atheism. I have openly invited any who think so to provide EVIDENCE to prove God's existence. No one has, nor can they.
To make such assumptions is, to me, tantamount to assuming that a policeman, wounded in the line of duty, who later leaves the police force has done so out of fear. While that is possible, it is certainly not ALWAYS the case. He may have many other intelligent reasons for leaving - perhaps not the least of which is a desire to watch his children grow up for instance. But to assume his motives based on a single trauma, and without careful discussion about the matter with the individual, is foolish IMHO.