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by Resistance is Futile 36 Replies latest jw friends
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***w7911/15pp.26-27pars.20-22Benefitingfrom“OneMediatorBetweenGodandMen”***20 What, then, is Christ’s role in this program of salvation? Paul proceeds to say: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men [not, all men], a man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.”—1 Tim. 2:5, 6.21 Paul was writing according to the facts of the first century of Christianity, during which the new covenant had been put into operation. Into it “men” of all nationalities, Jews, Samaritans, uncircumcised Gentiles, had already been brought after being made a part of spiritual Israel. Christ Jesus was the mediator of that new covenant. Paul’s letter to Timothy regarding this was a case of one ‘minister of the new covenant’ writing to another ‘minister of the new covenant.’ That new covenant between “our Savior, God,” and spiritual Israel continues as long as there are spiritual Israelites still in the flesh as “men” here on earth. So the covenant is in force today. Jesus’ “corresponding ransom for all” lays the basis for men and women of all sorts to become spiritual Israelites and be brought into the new covenant of which Christ Jesus is the “one mediator.”22 There are still more than 9,000 who profess to be spiritual Israelites in the new covenant. Like Paul and Timothy, these are “ministers of a new covenant.” (2 Cor. 3:6; 1:1) Evidently the new covenant is nearing the end of its operation for the purpose of producing 144,000 spiritual Israelites who meet God’s approval for being associated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom, the ideal government for mankind. When the last of these approved spiritual Israelites cease to be “men” because of earthly death and a resurrection to a share in the heavenly kingdom, then the mediatorship of Jesus Christ will cease also. Their inherited sinful condition in the flesh, which called for a mediator to act between them and the God of holiness, will be left behind. Like the holy angels of heaven, these glorified spiritual Israelites will need no mediator between them and Jehovah God. (Rev. 22:3, 4) Under Jesus Christ they will serve as kings, priests and associated judges over all the world of mankind.—Rev. 7:4-8; 14:1-3; 20:4, 6; Luke 22:28-30.
A“GREATCROWD”OFEARTHLYBENEFICIARIES Today, according to authentic records, there is a “great crowd” of dedicated, baptized Christians who actively collaborate with the small remnant of spiritual Israelites. Ever since the spring of 1938 they have been invited to attend the annual memorial celebration of Christ’s death, not to partake of the memorial emblems, the unleavened bread and the red wine, but as respectful observers. They recognize Jesus Christ as their heavenly King since the Gentile Times ended in 1914. They zealously join the remnant of spiritual Israelites in preaching “this good news of the kingdom” in all the inhabited earth for a “witness to all the nations” before this system of things ends in the coming “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:14, 21) They recognize that they are not spiritual Israelites in the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ, nor part of the “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.”—1 Pet. 2:9. Yet they do benefit from the operation of the new covenant. They benefit from this just as, in ancient Israel, the “alien resident” benefited from residing in among the Israelites who were in the Law covenant.—Ex. 20:10; Lev. 19:10, 33, 34; Rev. 7:9-15. To keep in relationship with “our Savior, God,” the “great crowd” needs to remain united with the remnant of spiritual Israelites. Why? Because these spiritual Israelites are the “holy nation” of which we read in Jeremiah 31:35, 36, right after God’s promise of the new covenant: “This is what Jehovah, the Giver of the sun for light by day, the statutes of the moon and the stars for light by night, the One stirring up the sea that its waves may become boisterous [against the Egyptians pursuing the Israelites], the One whose name is Jehovah of armies, has said: ‘“If these regulations could be removed from before me,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “those who are the seed of Israel could likewise cease from proving to be a nation before me always.” Jehovah could no more let spiritual Israel pass out of existence from within his universal organization than he could let the heavenly luminaries that regulate light for our earth cease to be. In the heavens spiritual Israel will be the New Jerusalem in which Jesus Christ will reign as King over the surviving “great crowd” and all the human dead resurrected to life in a paradise earth.—Rev. 21:2-24.
The WTS teaches that Jesus is merely one member of a "Christ class," made up of Jesus plus the 144,000 members of the "anointed class."
The Watchtower has actually claimed that this "class" is the Savior, and is worthy of the same titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. In Zion's Watch Tower of November 1881, they stated: "And we might add that so perfectly is his Bride--body--church, associated with him, both in filling up the measure of the sufferings--being joined in sacrifice and also in the Glory that shall follow, that the same titles are applicable to the Church as his body...After the sacrifice--soon follows the power which will, under him as our head, constitute the whole body of Christ the "Mighty God" (el--powerful one) to rule and bless the nations--and the body with the head, shall share in the work of restoring the life lost in Adam, and therefore be members of that company which as a whole will be the Everlasting Father to the restored race." (p. 10)
They said in the Watchtower of December 1881: "Our high calling is so great, so much above the comprehension of men, that they feel we are guilty of blasphemy when we speak of being 'new creatures'--not any longer human, but 'partakers of the divine nature.' When we claim on the scriptural warrant, that we are begotten of a divine nature and that Jehovah is thus our father, it is claiming that we are divine beings--hence all such are Gods. Thus we have a family of God, Jehovah being our father, and all his sons being brethren and joint-heirs: Jesus being the chief, or first-born...When Jesus said he was a son of God the Jews were about to stone him, reasoning thus, that if a son of God, he was making himself to be also a God, or of the God family. [Just what we claim..." (p. 3)
Notice in the above two quotes, they called the anointed "Mighty God" together with Christ, and "Gods" with a capital "G."
This is a teaching that has NEVER been changed. It has been considerably toned down in recent years, but never rescinded. So basically, in their mind, the "144,000 anointed" and "Christ" are synonymous.
WT loves to berate Catholics for praying before statues and through saints. But if you ASK a Catholic, they will say they are really praying to god, but using these things as a vehicle.
Not quite right. They are asking the saints to pray to God for them, or asking them to join their prayers to ours. In essence, they are in fact praying to saints, though never assuming saints are divine. Same with Mary. Asking her to intercede with her son on our behalf.
Yes, the statues are not perceived as gods or idols, but they may be at times referred to as miraculous and they are considered to have sacred properties.
Through studying with the WT, I came to realise that this is not acceptable.
What is the difference though for the great crowd of O.S? surely if Jesus does not mediate for them, they have to get the little flock to do it for them, much the same way as catholics with their saints, Russell used to refer to those with a heavenly hope as "The Saints", it seems a very similar doctrine to me.
Another case of the WT hypocritically condemning the catholic Church whilst practicing the same thing.
Would it really matter folks, seriously, does it even matter.....
The same point was brought up in a more relatively recent publication...
Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" on page 10, paragraph 16:
“Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.”
That is again, despite this:
1 Timothy 2: 5, 6:
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all”
December 15, 2008, pages 12-16
11. Read 1 Timothy 2:5, 6. Jesus is the “one mediator between God and men." He is If the mediator of a new covenant." (Heb. 9:15; 12: 24) However, Moses is also spoken of as a mediator--the mediator of the Law covenant. (Gal. 3:19) How, then, is Jesus' role as Mediator unique?
12. The original-language word translated "mediator" is a legal term. It refers to Jesus as a legal Mediator (or, in a sense, an attorney) of the new covenant that made possible the birth of a new nation, If the Israel of God.1f (Gal. 6:16) This nation is composed of spirit-anointed Christians, who form a heavenly "royal priesthood." (1 Pet. 2:9; Ex. 19:6) The Law covenant, with Moses as mediator, was not able to produce a nation like that.
But 1 Timothy 2:5,6 is discussing prayer through Jesus to God. How then does it apply only to spirit-anointed Christians. How do other jws pray then?
*** w66 8/1 p. 465 par. 16 Baptism Shows Faith ***
When one makes his dedication he prays to Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son, the Mediator between God and man.
*** g74 1/8 p. 10 What Do You Know About Prayer? ***
To be acceptable to God, prayers must be through the channel he recognizes. Jesus said: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus also said prayers should be presented ‘in his name.’ (John 14:6; 16:23) Thus, our prayers should acknowledge that the value of the sacrifice of Jesus’ own human life makes it possible for us to approach God in prayer, and that there is just “one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus.”—1 Tim. 2:5.
But here is a scripture-twisting example of the WTS. What does 1 Timothy 2:5 say? "For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus." Does it say some men or some humans? The WTS
applies it to prayer; are they suggesting that only some can approach Jesus in prayer?
*** w75 7/1 p. 402 par. 8 Coming to the Hearer of Prayer ***
To communicate readily with the heavenly Father, one must accept Christ Jesus as Lord. Peace with God can come
only through the appointed way, the ransom provision by the Lord Jesus. (Matt. 20:28; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6)