So let me set this question up. Sorry if its long!
Recently my brother-in-law posted a link to a story on Facebook: " We're seeing Rev 17:12,13 starting to be fulfilled!! Expect all the nations of the earth to be eager to hand over power to the United Nations... it really the only thing yet to happen before the fall of Babylon the Great." that was his precursor to the story he was linking to: " Obama places the US military under UN control via
So likewise, a passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite Nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former..."
As you can see, he had no problem linking to a crackpot political blogger... It is not too well known that I have faded away from the Borg, but even so, I had to post, knowing that all his Borg friends and family would see my comments. I just thought it was irresponsible of him to be posting a bloggers opinion as fulfilling major biblical prophecy. Am I wrong? Further he had previously posted another headline: "Scientist says evolution wrong, proves creation right" and when I went and checked out this "scientist" he was some crackpot Catholic guy who also taught in links on his web page that the fossil record was faked, the earth was only 6000 years old, hellfire and lots of other stuff like that. I had previously called him out on it, much to my delight other Borgs told him he shouldn't be posting things without knowing where they came from. Evidently he didn't learn, and posted this link. I told him he was posting a Blogger's opinion, further that the blogger was misinterpreting Obamas words for politcal reasons. He then posted other links with quotes from Republicans, I reminded him it was a NATO mission not a UN one and that the Republicans, while manipulating the statement as well, were not making the same statement he was making, they were two different issues. He proceeded to tell me that "I know you're not a witness (marking me for all to see and to somehow invalidate my view), but even you can't deny the US is Satans pawn. Don't blindly believe everything the government tells you" I told him not to treat me like I was tottering down some dark alley, while he was holding out a flashlight for me, and that he was the one blindly believing whatever he read on the internet, coming from political bloggers! Then he deleted all of the comments that called him out and finished by stating " there's a great many web pages with the same news information. I first read about this a couple weeks ago, on an entirely different site. Whether this guy is wacko or not, the actual news piece is for real."
Basically, how can you change their minds about things when it is so ingrained in them? I have tried to reason with my ex, pointing out many things I have learned off this site and she just rolls her eyes and says everybody knows these things and I'm trying to harp on un important things.... So frustrating and I wonder how you out there have reasoned with them, and any success?
Sorry for ranting but the more information I have learned the more upset I have gotten with the organization. My daughter is being raised in it still and I used to be ok with that but now it feels infuriating that she is being brainwashed... urgh I guess I have brought up more than one issue here, but I welcome any feedback.