Thanks to JW Archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book.
by Newly Enlightened 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks to JW Archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book.
part 12 paragraph 21, I have the last half. wow the victim and parents are on trial. They must have a good reputation. Reminds me of rape cases where the morals of the person raped are more important than the truth of the matter.
The following questions should be answered with regard
to the accuser: (1) What is the level of maturity
of the child or youth? (2) Is he (or she) describing
conduct that one his age would not normally know
about? (3) Is the child or his parents known to be serious,
mature? (4) Is his memory consistent, or is it
intermittent, or does it involve repressed memories?
(w95 11/1 pp. 25-26) (5) What is the reputation of
the parents? (6) Are they spiritually and emotionally
mature? After carefully considering the matter, the
branch office will then give you direction as to what
information about the allegation should be shared, if
any, with the elders of the new congregation.
Mirrors of that file:!i4VABIaA Use Key: tMYS64y2HhUKzAsDOfbjK-fUDWP9O0lPU5X81ZJ4NiE
I got mine, probably before most of the local elders too!
It seems that Jehovah can help worldly people find leaks on their construction site, but he can't plug the leaks in his own organization.
Why is that? Oh, I know: God ain't got nothin' to do with this religion.
Let's review: it's a cult!
Anyone know what kind of updates in it vs the 2010 version?