Symptoms of Spiritual Weakness - Elder's Manual

by cappytan 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    "they will also start looking happy and smiling and carefree and without stress in their faces and will wean off their Depression medication - sure signs of spiritual weakening"
  • Oubliette

    It's informative to analyze this as the manipulative tool that it is.

    The WT leaders make a list of behaviors that they don't like and label them with a denigrating term: spiritually weak.

    Note that the list includes a variety of behaviors and attitudes that an individual might have. These are indiscriminately lumped together as if they might have the same root cause. This is clearly NOT the case.

    A person that has a drinking problem should not be categorized with someone that has doubts (lingering or otherwise) or someone that has legitimate complaints about the actions of the elders or the WTBTS.

    And yet they just lump them all together. Why? Because the WT leaders have learned the power of conflating different issues as a means to manipulate and control.

    This expression can then be used to paint someone unfavorable. When a JW calls another JW "spiritually weak" it frames the situation such that the one doing the labeling is assuming a position of strength and authority.

    Usually, the one so labeled will not contest the phrase. They may even believe it themselves due to their indoctrination. But even if they don't, they know that arguing the point will only cause them more trouble.

    The reality is this: when an individual realizes that JWs do NOT have "the Truth," and that they religion is a sham led by hypocritical cowards and liars, they have some serious decisions to make. A person that is emotionally and spiritually strong will leave the religion.

    Often, what the WT labels as "weakness" is actually strength. The heroes of the Bible stood up against wrongdoing, hypocrisy and lies. Those in power never like that.

    Some things never change, just the names ...

  • _Morpheus

    First id like to remind all those that fear this will BECOME a witch hunt that this isnt new. This was in the ks10 on the day of its release. No news here....

    as far as why its there... Keep in mind this is directed to and written for elders. Average pups wernt meant to see this... It serves a twofold purpose: if ever an elder should develop traits like those listed he may be prompted by guilt to squash the beginings of his freedom. It may serve to prevent him from waking up.... The other purpose is it allows elders to denigrate those that awaken in their own minds so that they can deal with them. If someone is labled spritually weak it prevents an elder from viewing them as reasonable rarional or "normal". They are no longer bro or sis so and so that they have know for 20 years, no now they are just "spritually weak" . Once they are labled they can be dismissed and their ideas dont have to be consodered as valid.

  • Oubliette

    Morpheus: Once they are labled they can be dismissed and their ideas dont have to be consodered [sic] as valid.

    Yes, it is this dismissiveness that is essential to their manipulation and control.

    It is a passive-aggressive assertion of authority.

  • BluesBrother

    Spiritual weakness , fatigue....isn't that a fancy way of saying a "lack of enthusiasm for the WT?

    True spirituality can be defined in many ways by many people but is certainly not that....

  • _Morpheus
    Obb, you and i were posting at the same time, clearly we share similar views on this ;)
  • freemindfade

    To me pursuit of pleasure throws such a wide net, it's so ridiculous.

    I was insulted to no end by my family over my stupid Instagram account. It shows that witnesses don't really know people but judge who they are based on superficial, and imaginative things. I explained to one of them what was the problem? To me these social media things are superficial and for posting nice looking pictures. So if I take a pic of me out enjoying a nice day, but I am not out standing next to a cart, I am a sinner. I think it is all ridiculous, but to me this is the most vague, and broad of all the stupidity in there

  • minimus
    Every JW is spiritually weak at one time or another.
  • stuckinarut2

    "spiritually weak" is a loaded term used to cast a bad light on others.

    It is the epitome of negative , judgemental thinking.

    Yes, the very method used to grab and exert power over the flock....

  • fulltimestudent


    Symptoms of spiritual fatigue include: lack of self-control in eating, drinking, and pursuit of pleasure;

    Haha and some haha!

    From my mental files of the Australian witness scene;

    1. David Madzay, second in charge in the Australian Branch.

    A really nice bloke (well, I thought so) but drank far too much. So was the Aussie branch partly controlled by guy with spiritual fatigue?

    2. Again the Aussie branch. And Brother Joseph Rutherford comes avisiting. OK - in an annex to the Strathfied Bethel, called the 'White House' ( still there, its actually in Homebush, I often go past on the train, and always it reminds me of this story told be a lady I shall call, Sister Lackey.

    Sister Lackey, was hardly in the truth when her Catholic family tossed her out, so she finishes up as a lackey at the 'White House.' When Brother JR comes, they have a banquet, grandly set table, lots of courses and wine etc. You know the shit!

    And standing behind every seated guest (all the spiritual bigwigs, I guess-grin) was a "waiter" was a lackey with folded napkin over their arm, standing straight (no slouching in front of Yahweh/Jesus).

    So was the whole world-wide witness work overseen by a man (J.R.) with 'spiritual fatigue?'

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