"The whole Bin Ladin thing is a total fabrication"
For all the criticism in the article at the next link, I didn't see that.
"The whole bin Laden thing is a total fabrication" thing is a fabrication
designed so that some of the people people concerned about bin Laden planning
9/11 will be worried about who some of the extreme 9/11 truthers blame it on.
See the article at the next link (I helped on p.9):
According to a 2009 demographic study, Islam has 1.57 billion adherents,
making up 23% of the world population.
Most Islamic people, if in favor of things like killing apostates and homo-
sexuals (or at least beating them and putting them in jail), aren't terrorists.
According to a Gallup poll of "tens of thousands of hour-long, face-to-face in-
terviews with residents of more than 35 predominantly Muslim countries between
2001 and 2007," less than 10% of Muslims are in favor of terrorism.
That's less than 157 million people. The whole thing about bin Laden and
terrorism has been blown out of proportion. The real answer lies in conjecture
about buildings falling faster (free fall speed) than recorded and such.