Simon... has the WTBTS ever tried to hack this site?

by Alfred 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Alfred

    I've only been on this site for 10 months or so and I've already received 2 PMs from members of this site (who have no posts)requesting my friendship and providing an email address where I can request a photo of the person... I happen to know that I am "marked", so I wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... This also makes me wonder if the WTBTS is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for Judicial Committees. I realize this is purely speculative, but I would be interested to know if the WT or any other party has ever tried to hack this site for the purpose of obtaining members' personal email addresses...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Somehow I don't think "Johnny" or even "Andre" are smart enough to hack any websites. They're certainly not smart enough to outsmart Simon.

    As for your PMs, if Alfred is your real name, it could be people from your KH trying to track you down. People with few/no posts PMing anyone is kind of suspicious.

  • Nickolas

    Unlikely. It would be a criminal act and too easy to detect. The resultant scandal would rock Brooklyn to its core. Sounds more like someone doing some private sleuthing trying to out your identity.

  • Simon

    I don't know. I'm sure they monitor the site and some individual zealots have probably tried to dig if they think they recognise someone (in reality, many people have similar stories so unless you blatantly reveal your identity you're pretty safe).

    The PMs you got are most likely just SPAM I'm afraid - I deleted the ones I notice and will be improving how they are filtered out soon.

  • Alfred

    Nick... Valid point... However, they have done some really stupid things in the past (like joining the UN, allowing Mexican brothers to bribe military officials and charge for parking at stadiums where the parking was included, etc, etc)... Mad... You're right... They're not smart enough... Which is why I think theykre stupid enough to try...

  • Alfred

    Thanks Simon... Do you need the name of the latest spammer? I can post it here or send you a PM... Please let me know

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I've received spam PMs too.... nothing to worry about, just delete or ignore them.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Great point, Alfred. They're not smart enough which indicates they're stupid enough to try. The cult walks around with its hubris hanging out and they don't even know it. LOL.

  • shamus100

    Um, shouldn't you be mountain biking and not on the computer?

    Only 45 more days until September. It starts to get cold again. Just saying'.

  • Mary
    I happen to know that I am "marked", so I wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... This also makes me wonder if the WTBTS is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for Judicial Committees.

    If memory serves, I believe that several years ago on this board, there were a couple of people who got nailed from 'friends' in their congregation who were looking at this site trying to determine if they knew anyone on here. While it could just be spam PM's, your theory above has merit to it, so just be careful.


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