It was interestng how events unfolded, as this newspaper report relates:
After filing suit for copyright infringement, the WT Society leaned on the local cops to arrest JanH and Kent Steinhaug. This arrest was performed, but during transit to a maximum security fyord, these two highly dangerous criminals managed to escape, making off together into the Norwegian Arctic, while still handcuffed together.
The Norwegians immediately called in a specialist from America in tracking down fugitives, a Mr. Tommy Lee Jones, who was quoted as saying: "y'all listen up now...seal off a 20 marle peerimiter....starp chewin' that gurm boooy.....and let's hit the rowad."
Meanwhile, the fugitives were surviving on Elk fur and having to wipe each other's bums in the morning because of the handcuffs. To cut a long and boring story short, after a lengthy pursuit involving car chases, jumping off fyords, exploding whales, etc, Tommy Lee Jones discovered that the whole thing was a crock of WT shit and joined forces with our heroes to clear their names.
Parahump Pictures are now making this story into an epic movie, to be entitled Double US Fugitive Marshalls Jeopardy. The movie will star Janh as Janh Superstar!, Kent Steinhaug as the drunken slob he's handcuffed to, Tommy Lee Jones as Tommy Lee Jones, and Harmony Somebodyorother as the bit of muff interest. The movie will be rated R for language (Norwegian), brutal violence against freedom of speech, and graphic scenes of Kent Steinhaug.