There is now overwhelming evidence of billions of galaxies each with billions of stars and billions of planets and God chose this one in particular? No, folks, we're just not that special.So much for NOT knowing.
"I can live with doubt and uncertainty, and not knowing."
by leavingwt 26 Replies latest jw friends
Judge Dread
call it .99999999999999, then, JD. It comes down to probabilities.
Judge Dread
call it .99999999999999, then, JD. It comes down to probabilities.
Fair enough, but where did you get that number?
Loved this statement....
I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong
. . -
It's an extremely conservative illustration of extreme improbability JD, not presented as a definitive number. You say the number is not 1.0, and I have to agree, that constitutes knowing. But based on the evidence that can be observed we can be virtually certain that we're not all that special. If you take 100 billion galaxies each with 100 billion stars and tens of billions of planets relative to God choosing this tiny, blue dot we happen to inhabit for his showdown with Satan etc you get a good idea how provincial, improbable and insignificant the Abrahamic religions really are. Too complicated?
Richard Feynman Books everyone should read: 'Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman' and 'What Do You Care What Other People Think'.
The elegant mind at work.
Judge Dread
Too complicated?
Not at all, but atheists seem to have a problem with that small number .999999999999999999999 or .10 or 1.0 or whatever.
They insist that God doesn't even exist, even though they do not know WITH CERTAINTY THAT HE DOES NOT.
Now, I do believe in God, BUT I also realize that there is a chance that he does not exist, and at least I will admit it, and always have.
So, what's so complicated about an atheist admitting to that very small number when they discuss the issue? I'll tell you what it is, straight up................IT'S ALL ABOUT EGO!
I don't believe for a microsecond that the universe was created for my benefit or yours, but in order to believe in God one must believe just that. All this, so that God may prove a point on this tiny, little insignificant planet? The earth is almost immeasurably, infinitesimally insignificant, and we are even smaller. Whose ego is inflated, yours or mine?
Good night.
Judge Dread
Good night.
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
Just got up. Nine hours of shuteye and now I'm not so cranky.
God, if He exists, has not seen fit to provide proof of His existence but has paradoxically provided the ability of intelligent people (like Richard Feynman but also far lesser minds) to perceive evidence that He does not exist. We are left with probability. Taking everything into context and fitting it best you can into the most likely explanation for reality as we have the intellectual ability to perceive it, the probability of God existing is very, very, very small. No, not zero, because as you point out it is something for which a definitive proof cannot be established. That goes either way. The question remaining is how you will think and live your life accordingly. Personally, I allow the tiniest fragment of doubt about the existence of a god, JD. I am a 6 on the Dawkins scale, like Dawkins himself, rather than a 7. I am a 7 when it comes to belief in a personal god, in particular the personal god described by the ancient unwashed of the middle eastern deserts. The world view of these men was exceedingly narrow and what they codified in their holy books reflects it. Man was not created in God's image, it was the other way around.