Via a thread at the Channel C forum, I've learned that Greg Stafford of Elihu Books has stopped writing.
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At this time, I must leave off from doing any more writing or translation work. This means my writings, my tweets, my Blogs, everything. What I have written, I have written, and it will stay as what I believe and what I will teach, wherever possible.
Now, I must pull back and try to be a better father and a better husband; these things, this work of ministry, takes a toll, a great toll, particularly when you are, in large part, alone in openly doing what is, even with others, a great challenge, for the world and those in it do not embrace us; it/they resist us.
While this is not entirely new, for me, for now, things are becoming too difficult to bear, so that I do not risk losing what else Jah has given me. And so, my time has come to stop all public writing and ministry and to concentrate on things closer to my home.
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While I was at his site, I noticed his final blog post, which was pretty interesting.
Put Them to the Test
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I am here to tell you the same thing, “Do not go after them,” but not so you follow after me or after any other man or woman; rather, so that you follow after him, the one who is the subject of the response given by Peter in answer to Jesus according to John 6:66-69. This involves primarily only “three things,” though there is much more for each ‘individual’ to consider if he or she chooses to proclaim these things as part of the Great Message related to the writings of Moses, the Psalms, and the Prophets concerning Jesus of Nazareth.—Luke 24:44; Acts 26:22; Revelation 2:23.
Over time as one reviews the Society’s history and teachings it becomes clear that in spite of some truths which it has adopted from the pages of the Bible (which is true for nearly every other Christian group, to differing degrees), the Watchtower Society has repeatedly failed its members and the July 15, 2011, Study Edition issue continues to do so without repentance or “a changing of heart toward God.”—Acts 20:21. . . .