"Rather we should seek for dependent Bible study, rather than for independent Bible study." (Watchtower, Sept 15, 1911, pg. 4885) "Heavy research is not necessary, the watchtower has done it all for you. The most beneficial study you can make is to read the Watchtower and Awake magazines or any new book by the organisation" (Watchtower, June 1, 1967 p338). "Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind." (Watchtower Oct. 1, 1967, p. 587). "[A] mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbour private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ,and "the faithful and discreet slave." (Watchtower, August 1st, 2001, p. 14)