Thank you for pouring out your heart 5 years ago. What was said by you and others is still true today, because the shunning is still doing it's damage, tearing families and lives apart.
When I first came to JWD 3 years ago I was, of course, scared, then totally shocked to see all these Ex-Witnesses here. In my 35 years as a JW and even after fading a few years...I had never really SEEN an ex-JW ! I occasionally saw one in public, but, never really knew (or cared) what happened to them. I didn't know where they really 'went'...
We all know the WT told us they 'went' willingly into Satan's hands and became Worldly ™ evil tools of his. I was shocked to actually see Ex-JW's with real lives and independent thoughts...and...AND...they were happy. Happy they were out, sad over the damage done to them, BUT, working to heal themselves, helping others and looking forward to a good future.
The guilt we all have over how we (as JW's) treated others is really present -- because we do care. Our sad stories are important for new visitors to read, because, as JW's...we "were just following orders..." to never have anything to do with people who 'turned their backs on Jah'. So, most of us never knew the true damage that we were helping the WT to cause in the name of God.
These stories help steel our resolve to "never let it happen again" in our lives. We should never forget.
Open Mind, thanks for bringing this post back to our attention.