Atheist Fascism

by Band on the Run 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    While I personally think the wording "fascisim" doesn't really apply to militant atheists, I think that the point BOR was trying to make was (perhaps) was that atheists remind him of facists.

  • bohm

    PSAC: just saying that I hope it is not because they make rude comparisons :-D.

  • PSacramento

    It might be their fashion sense, who the heck knows !

  • NewChapter

    Christians turned the other way while fascists murdered millions of people. I don't think it is an appropriate comparison.

  • botchtowersociety

    Christians turned the other way while fascists murdered millions of people. I don't think it is an appropriate comparison.

    Not all, a nd atheist states have murdered millions more--Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba. Atheist ideology is one of the main reasons I was born in the USA, and not Cuba.

  • NewChapter

    So it would not be fair for me to compare christians to fascists? Even when they get loud and opiniated?

  • botchtowersociety

    So it would not be fair for me to compare christians to fascists? Even when they get loud and opiniated?

    It would be as fair as doing so with atheists that behave similarly. It is the mindset behind the behavior that is wrong, rather than whether or not someone is a person of a religious faith, or of none at all.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I think Vanderhoven7 should just breastfeed godrulz and get it over with.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Unfortunately, the subject of religion does tend to bring out the worst in people -whether they are for it or against it.

    A fanatical atheist can be as big a pain in the backside as any religious zealot you have ever met.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    As an atheist, I generally keep it to myself and don't "preach" atheism to others. I do feel that if a religious person tries to share their views with me, it is only polite and fair to expect to listen to my views.

    On the other hand, it is very frustrating to see grown, intelligent people base important life decisions and morals on a book of fairy tales, genies, & imaginary friends.

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