Fair enough. Mistakes happen. Can Concerned link us to an apology? Oh the WT just gloats when the Catholic Church offers apologies! It would seem that they view the apologies with contempt because of the actions that required such apologies. It turns out they just view the apologies with contempt---period.
Perhaps Concerned has never suffered from one of these "mistakes" . Perhaps their life was never shattered over a matter that ended up being changed anyway. Perhaps Concerned lacks compassion and the ability to apoligize too. Perhaps that is just the cult personality. If we could ever break through that personality, there may be loving person under there. A person that apologizes for mistakes and grieves when they hurt someone. Until then, they will simply throw around pat cliches like "mistakes happen" in the face of much pain and suffereing.
Wake up concerned before one of these "mistakes" destroys your life.