Holy Spirit in Judicial Committees

by Mr. Falcon 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    Yes the Elder had been haveing an affair for sometime at the time of the JC.

    figures. Whenever I sit in a KH or see a group of elders somewhere, I always pause and wonder what kind of skeletons are in their closets right now? Who is a closet drinker? Who is having an affair? Who is petting the snake to the latest issue of McCall's? okay, may not that last one.

    Cheez, what's the good word?

  • karter

    MR Falcon.

    The imperfect Man excuse covers all....nuff said.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    karter, I hate that "imperfect men" crap. It's right up there with the whole "only following orders" bit. We had some good comments about this on this thread. Plus there's an awesome picture of Christina Hendicks you gotta check out.

  • straightshooter

    I always thought that the branch was like the U.S. Supreme Court, but they have absolutely no idea of the issues. They are there for the last appeal. Ha, Ha.

    As for the elders in a jc, I remember ones who tried very hard to make fair, just, Biblical decisions. Sadly though, they were the minority, the majority of elders would make the decisions without looking in the Elders book or the Bible for any reminding direction.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Sadly though, they were the minority, the majority of elders would make the decisions without looking in the Elders book or the Bible for any reminding direction.

    Even sadder is now, if I'm not mistaken, the minority vote is expected to go along with the majority. So that one possibly-merciful elder can't even help you in the end.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I have spoke to a number of people who were DF'd and reinstated (many now faded). Most of them stated how the main reason they rejoined the Watchtower was to be able to speak to their families again. Love of God and wanting a relationship with Him was not really the priority for them. And yet "holy spirit" allowed them to re-join. If they had personal reasons for wanting to rejoine, wouldn't God's Active Force(TM) pick up on that?

    Well said, Mr Falcon. "Spriit Directed judicial decisions"? Crock of $h!+.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    "The power of Holy Spirit can work very powerfully on an appointed man. Sisters, have you ever noticed how your husbands may act one way at home, but when they come to the hall they are loving, caring men? That is Holy Spirit working on them!"

    stunning.................. and what a great excuse for being two-faced

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    sphere - It's mind-boggling how everything they seem to say contridicts everything else they say. I was always taught that if you are committing some secret sin or otherwise "grieving the Holy Spirit" that you will NOT have God's blessings and therefore would never be able to serve in any capacity. And then this idiot CO comes along and implies that a man can be abusive at home, but when he comes to the hall, Jehovah will use him as a "sacred vessel".

    "Alllllllllrighty then!"

  • karter

    Mr Falcon,

    I forgot they can always use the other cureall.

    "Leave in Jehovah's hands"

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