I just wanted to comment on the circulation figure for the w. The Public edition states:
" Printing Each Issue: 42,162,000 in 188 Languages.'
No statistics are given for the Study Edition.
However, 42,162,000 is the MONTHLY printing for the w. Yet it is published semi-monthly. Thus the statement in the Public Edition is misleading. During the 2010 SY about 985 million magazines were printed which averages 82 million per month. But g has 39.9 million copies per month. This leaves the 42.1 million for the w.
While a break down is not provided I think it would be fair to say that since there were 7.5 million publishers, and each one of them would get the study edition, and there were 8 million Bible Studies- most if not all of the BS would be given a copy of each magazine- perhaps 15 million are produced of the study edition, leaving 27 million for the public edition. Interestingly the average printing of the w was 28 million per issue before the change to two editions.
So there is a cost savings in printing only 1 g each month and 1 public w for fs, and the study w for jws and studies. rather than 56 million of the w monthly it is now 42 million monthly (and climbing).
So saving money was definatly a reason for publishing 2 seperate editions, as well as already has been posted- controlling the information the public gets about the jws, and being more hardlined in the study edition.
Does anyone else find the way the w gives the circulation figure to be misleading?