Hey... a good friend of mine was visited by 2 elders this evening..and after being treated like something you wouldn't want on your shoe...told her that her parents can no longer have anything to do with her 9 year old boy. He is not baptized.. her dad is an elder and mum a long standing publisher...Can they really insist that the grandparents ignore the child?? They babysit for him when she's at work...she would have to leave her job, and she lives in their house too..although they live elsewhere...Her dad is researching this as he is obviously curious as to whether this is scriptural. Please help...using WT literature if u can...she's in bits!
HELP! Good Friend just told she is being disfellowshipped!!
by jdhf 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I do not see why this would be a problem. The WTS has indicated that for a BUSINESS only relationship, which this is, it is not wrong to associate as long as NO spiritual encouragement takes place. This sounds like payback for somethin. May I ask why she is being "freed"?
my inlaws stopped bothering with our 7 year old over 2 years ago when we moved they are apparently "heartbroken" and tell people i dont allow contact which is a lie as i always made them welcome on the rare occasions they did visit but it was all one sided so i cant be bothered anymore and since i found out motherinlaw lies about me too right i dont want anything to do with them !
my inlaws stopped bothering with our 7 year old over 2 years ago when we moved they are apparently "heartbroken" and tell people i dont allow contact which is a lie as i always made them welcome on the rare occasions they did visit but it was all one sided so i cant be bothered anymore and since i found out motherinlaw lies about me too right i dont want anything to do with them !
what exactly did they do that equated to treating her this poorly?
Well the other day she told her parents she had enough ..that her heart just wasn't in it anymore. They accepted it...but her little boy let slip that his mum is dating someone..not a witness..so her dad called in the heavies. I don't know if he expected this. He is not happy with the decision. Can they forbid them from seeing the grandchild though? They don't agree that it's right. I think that's why they were horrible to her. Over the dating. im sure thats why she's 'freed'..poor thing is so upset.
Sounds like your across the pond... :) "Can they forbid them from seeing the grandchild?" - In reality that is like me telling you, you can NEVER go see a movie at a theater ever again... kind of stupid to tell a grown adult what they can and cannot do... you get the idea though of how stupid the cult is...
However, from their own doctrine they CANNOT forbid the grandparents from seeing their grandchild. They are providing a service for their daughter who is the one that may be DF'd, not the child. The relationship between the daughter and her parents would be one of a mutual work agreement, would not hurt to perhaps draw up a contract, for the sake of the parents if they are ever questioned by the elders, at least they could present something to the affect that this BUSINESS NOT SOCIAL. The child has not done anything wrong, nor is baptized from what I understand, nor has been "punished" by "god", and thus the actions of her mother have no influence on the standing of the child to their grandparents.
Pretty sick how the WTS operates. None of this should be an issue, but I can see the elders going above and beyond in their self rightous BS. Anyways, to appease the elders, and to put the grandparents at rest, and a way out, I would draw up a simple contract for "baby sitting", perhaps with a nominal fee (at least on paper), or "free", have it witnessed, notorized, etc. and if the grandparents are questioned in the future they can pesent the document, tell the elders it is 100% business related, which the WTS has indicated is OK to do.
Plus, if your friend has not told the elders anything, they still have to go by the two witness rule. Tell your friend to DENY, DENY, DENY... keep their mouth shut and fade.
Thanks Sinis...I'll pass it on...looloo..sorry for your trouble. I'm in Ireland by the way. :)
You can't be friends with Suzy and be my friend.
Either you are Suzy's friend or you are my friend.
Does that sound very mature to you?