in the uk it is illegal to smack children so do children in the kingdom hall still get smacked ?
by looloo 15 Replies latest jw friends
I have never seen a child smacked by a JW in or out of the KH.
Wow, Ive never heard that before.
has it always been like that in the UK, or was it different 20 or 30 years ago?
I was born in to the cult in 1950 in the .U.K (Kent,England) . I was smacked a couple of times when young, I remember some parents who gave their kids quite fearsome beatings as late as the 1980's, I think it gradually got better since then.
If it is still going on, I may return to the K.H and stand in line to smack a few kids myself , like in the film "Airplane" !
Countries where corporal punishment of children is illegal (30):
The UK is not one of them.
I do believe that when Sweden did so in 1979, the WTS had several articles on spanking.
"correcting" WTS pubs