I'm with you guys on this.
I was always chastised for questioning "Jehovah's arrangement" while at home. And I remember the first time I criticized the GB after I arrived at Bethel. My husband called me an apostate. Boy did that reinforce the fear of losing all of my loved ones. I plodded along, buried myself even deeper in Watchtowerworld and enjoyed what was good about my life.
Six years ago my husband started dissecting the Greek scriptures and WT teachings during the meeting. He picked apart everything that was wrong for him about the religion and the lifestyle. One Sunday afternoon he got so angry that he ripped up and threw a WT magazine out of the car window. And that was a big deal because he thinks all litterers should burn in hell, if there was one...LOL.
He was ready to write up letters DA'g ourselves. But for the sake of my relationship with my siblings we agreed to just walk away so that I would have some hope of maintaining contact with them. So we just dropped off the scene. We had never been so happy and relieved.
My husband drives me crazy sometimes because he says, no less than once a day, "Babe, can you believe we got out?" I'm like "uh, yeah, if you hadn't called me an apostate when we first got married, we'd have been out." LOL
I hope to get my siblings out.