Victory...the reward for patience!

by dmouse 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Many years ago when I first came upon boards like this I wanted to know how to cope with my new status as an exJW.

    In particular I was concerned with how to handle my still devout JW wife and three children.
    I was given a lot of advice – some potentially harmful, like ‘leave your wife’ but many recommended patience.

    That was ten years ago. Over the next decade I allowed my wife to take our children to all the meetings and inculcate them however she wished. I knew it was a risk but I did not want to appear to be the stereotypical ‘opposing mate’ and reinforce JW propaganda.

    My plan was this:
    Be a good example, show my family that a ‘worldly person’ can be a happy and moral person.
    Always be reasonable and be prepared to defend my beliefs in a spirit of respect.
    Teach my children how to think and question – done in a non-threatening generic way.
    Always be there for my children and not judge them.
    Occasionally talk to my children, when their mum wasn’t around, to see what they believed and raise some questions in their minds.

    My son Benjamin was given extra attention at the hall because his grand-parents were big cheeses in the congregation (granddad was PO). He was given inculcation lessons over and above what ‘normal’ JW children would be given, possibly to counter any evil influence from me at home.
    When my son reached 13 he told me he wanted to go to Bethel. I was devastated. I thought ‘this is it, I’ve lost another member of my family to the borg’.

    Then, a few weeks ago I asked him what the meeting was about. He said he couldn’t remember because he’s stopped listening – the meetings are so dull. I also asked him about his plans for the future – he now wants to go to college! I asked him about possible conflicts with his beliefs and he said, ‘what beliefs – you don’t think I still believe all that crap do you?’

    My son now goes to the meetings just to keep his mum happy. But he is no longer interested in their teachings.
    They have lost. Despite years of indoctrination, they have failed to win the heart of even this little boy.

    From what he says many children feel the same in the congregation (though they would never dare admit it to their parents) and are just biding their time until they are old enough to walk away.

    The religion is bleeding from both ends now, it won’t be long before the first worldwide figure shows decline.


    So if God doesn't exist who pops up the next Kleenex?

  • Sky

    I know that made you feel relieved, and very happy!

  • badwillie

    I'm glad your approach is working. Shows there is hope for others in your situation.

  • pandora

    YES!!!!!! Out of the mouths of babes!
    You must be so proud.
    I was cheering when I read what he said.
    I am so happy for you.
    I hope your wife follows suit soon.

  • 25ashitaka25

    Dean, I know how you feel The same goes for my little brother. He's already made himself known as an ex-jw...LOL.


  • Latte


    Well Done seems most insufficient!

    You certainly did good!

    I am really pleased for you….so good to hear.

    It’s true that the best guy’s have already left….they are all here!…lol The teaching standard will certainly be dropping.


  • RunningMan

    You're right. They are bleeding heavily. If it wasn't for Africa and Eastern Europe, the numbers would already be negative.

    I looked in some old yearbooks yesterday, and found that Canada had fewer baptisms in 2001 than they did in 1970. Prior to 1970, the yearbooks don't show baptisms.

    By the way, congrats on your son's attitude. It has always been my observation that, given a little information and a choice, kids will not stay in the organization. To keep them in, you have to invest huge amounts into indoctrination, but to get them out, you just need to open the door a crack.

  • Carmel


    I commend you on your faith that the truth about the "truth" would eventually win out. You didn't say as much, but your approach indicated to me that you believe lies cannot be sustained either by individuals or by organizations for long. Yes, your son was probably turned off by the lack of any "spiritual food" appropriate for his age. Any of us that went through childhood as a JW had to be bored stiff, even if we got the "special attention". My hat is off to you for instilling into your son the principle of an open mind and critical thinking. It will serve him well the rest of his life.





    Your advice sounds great. I'm going through the same thing with my wife and kids now. And I guess you're right patience is the best way. Even though I hate the thought of it taking 10 or more years. I guess 10 years is better than never. So i guess now I'll be the best father and husband that i can be and just keep hoping and praying for the best.


  • out4good3

    The reward for patience is sweet.

    When I walked away my son, then was heavily indoctrinated, Wanted to go to Bethel, the patterson farms, the whole nine. I only had to wait till he was in middle school for him to see what other JW kids were really like, you know, the double life they lead and how mind numbing it is being a JW. I took steps and made decisions to ensure that he had the freedom to express his views, think for himself, and not be under total control of the JW wife and in-laws and by the time he was in high school, I knew by the choices he was making that their hold on him was no more. He is now halfway through college and on his way to a "real life"; not a life floundering around at the whims of a few old geezers in Brooklyn.

    While my wife still claims to be a JW she hardly ever goes to the meetings anymore. I'm slowly building up her self confidence enough that she'll be more inclined to think and make decisions for herself and question some of the JW doctrines and how they always seem to change when their prophecies fail time and time again and not strain every decision about what she want to do through a WT publication or what someone in the congregation will think.

    My partial victory is sweet, though I'm still shooting for a total one.

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