I know it was discussed in a previous post, but can't remember where. What was said about the treatment of a Relative associating with a DF'd relative?
Question about Disfellowshiped Relatives - Elders Manual
by Quarterback 10 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know if it's in the manual or not, but in the book Remain in God's Love, it says something to the effect that if the relative is DF'd and doesn't live in the household of the JW, if the JW continues to associate closely with the DF'd relative, they too are in line to be DF'd.
I suppose a grace period or a warning will be given to the JW. It's still bull.
Ive just read this in the manual! Knowsnothing is right..they cannot have unnecessary association. they can be reprimanded if its an elder...or worse if a regular.
@The Quiet One, thank you for the clarification.
However, the book (Remain in God's Love) stresses the importance of obedience to Jehovah's organisation, and that this is for the DF'd person's own good.
While you may not be able to get DF'd anymore for associating with a relative, you are strongly encouraged not to, and many JW's will follow suit to keep face or to hold priviledges.
Although, to be honest, I would like reference from before the elder book that confirms that you could be up for DF just for associating with an ex-JW relative.
Which leads me to say, again, this is bull.
Thanks, for the link, Quiet One, I also appreciate all of the other comments.
Black Sheep
if the JW continues to associate closely with the DF'd relative, they too are in line to be DF'd.
You have to be careful not to put words in their mouths.
KIGL p 207 railed against association, but it did not state that association was a DF offense.
Under certain circumstances a parent can be disfellowshipped for associating with their own disfellowshipped children.
- ?Normally, a close relative would not be disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person unless there is spiritual association or an effort made to justify or excuse the wrongful course.? Pay Attention to Yourselves and all the Flock p.103
The latest elder’s book, Shepherd the Flock of God (2010) reconfirms this when it explains that association with a relative can result in loosing congregation privileges and even being disfellowshipped.
- “Assist those having undue association with disfellowshipped or disassociated relatives. ... If members of the congregation are known to have undue association with disfellowshipped or disassociated relatives who are not in the household, elders should counsel and reason with those members of the congregation from the Scriptures. ... If it is clear that a Christian is violating the spirit of the disfellowshipping decree in this regard and does not respond to counsel, it may be that he would not qualify for congregation privileges, which require one to be exemplary. He would not be dealt with judicially unless there is persistent spiritual association or he openly criticizes the disfellowshipping decision.” pp.114-116
They need to ask themselves what kind of an organization is so afraid of criticism. This tight control would be considered unacceptable in any other context, but we used to accept it as righteous. Geez the light really hurts when you first open your eyes.
They need to ask themselves what kind of an organization is so afraid of criticism. This tight control would be considered unacceptable in any other context, but we used to accept it as righteous. Geez the light really hurts when you first open your eyes.