Did anyone catch the fact that The Study Edition of The Watchtower was compared to a Letter from Paul (Which was inspired by God for the benefit of all mankind...evidently)?
July KM Week of July 25
by dontplaceliterature 23 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
What? I missed that LOL, thanks for the heads up!!!! I wonder at times, how do they print that kind of stuff and sleep easy over it? Where's the humility?
Can you post the source for those of us who don't get KMs anymore? Thanks!
Remember what Nathan Knorr said in that GB meeting?
"You can discuss it all you'd like to inside this room. However, once it rolls off the sixth floor [WT printing presses], it's The Truth."
See paragraph 3 below.
No Room For George
So twenty years from now when the WT retires the New World Translation, and introduces the Overlapping Generation New World Translation, there are going to be some new books added to the cannon, probably placed right before Revelation. I'm thinking it will be titled along the line's of the WT's KM Epistle.
They probably believe they are going to write "The New Scrolls".
Thanks, lwt, I was too lazy to highlight it. I'm drinking Shiraz and listening in to the meeting with my dog.