Why doesn't someone writer letters to Urdu associations asking what they think?
In Jewel in the Crown, the raped character in love with the Indian, Hari Kumar, took to wearing saris as a politcal statement and I think a sense of marriage to Kumar, whom she never saw after the trial.
This is fiction. The Beefeaters anaology is a riot. Imagine a Ben Franklin costume. or Geo. Washington in full Continetal Regalia.
Sadly, the other Founding Fathers are not so iconic.
I have many Jewish friends across the gamut. They would not appreciate me dressing in Hasidic garb. My Season's Greetings rather than Merry Crhsitmas cards are appreciated. In the 1950s in America, it was considered by white to be a tribute to Injuns to dress in native garb. The Good Earth had white people with simple eyeliner drawn at an angle. It is a hoot to see now. Now, you must have natives play natives. Captain Spock had a whole career playing Injuns before Star Trek. Times have changed.
A simple, polite question can solve the problem. I read some English translations of Urdu works in college. Imagine the reception I would get if I told them what they believed.