Are you suggesting that the directives that Paul wrote were simply misinformed views??
How Would You Refute Disfellowshipping As Practiced By Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
In some instances, absolutely, dear MiniMan (again, peace to you!). Which is why he (others) later corrected them! Paul to move AWAY from his former "Pharisaical" [way of] thinking... TOWARD Christ (and HIS "mind").
A slave of Christ,
So I guess you would say CONTEXT is everything!
Context is important, very, yes, but not sure I would say it was "everything", dear one (peace to you!). Because even if one understands the context, that doesn't mean that the message itself, whatever the context, was correct. I kinda like it when both are involved. Just makes it all a little easier to "get". Get it?
A slave of Christ,
LOLOL! I'm sorry, dear one (peace to you!). I meant that, for instance in the case of the Corinthian congregation, the CONTEXT is Paul was trying to force HIS beliefs on them... NOT that he was actually directed to do by God/Christ/holy spirit. However, doing so was wrong. Sorry, but my mind "thinks" a little different. I probably should have just said, "Yes, dear MM... context is everything!" and left it at that. My bad... and my apologies!
SA, on her own...
Shelby, you're a hoot!
I understood what you meant.
In all fairness then, much of the NT writings (Paul's) were then just opinions, either correct ones or not and therefore the directives from the Bible could be viewed as mere opinions....I dunno.
the directives from the Bible could be viewed as mere opinions
And some good... some not so much, dear one (again, peace to you!). Thing is, if one has the [New] Law written on their hearts... one doesn't need the "directives" of the Bible, does one?
Peace, chile!
A slave of Christ,
Band on the Run
When there is doubt: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
What did Jesus say? The Pauline quote does not cite the epistle. Paul did not write the most condemnatory epistles. I wanted to spit on his grave until I read a recent book on Paul. Knock out the nonPauline letters attributed to Paul and a very different man emerges.
Further, Jesus is God. Paul is a human, flawed follower of Jesus.
The gospels relate a series of incidents where Jesus hates the sin but reaches out to the sinner with love.
I say follow the Lord.
Stalin, Mao, HItler, the Inquisition, Henry VIII, Catherine de Medici in France--all employed torture, prison, and gruesome death to those who opposed them. Christ is certainly not in this group. Pol Pot is.
Jesus is the way to go.
Elaine is right about you, Shelby.