"Doubting Jesus' Resurrection" by Kris D. Komarnitsky

by bohm 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sulla

    I'm sorry Captain, I didn't know I was such an idiot as to take the claims of the Christian faith seriously enough to research them. But, of course, there's no sense discussing whether something that didn't happen happened, is there?

    Were you this smart during that time when you were knocking on doors, telling people about 1914? Or did your prodigious smarts come to you after you left?

    Bohm, I'm sorry I didn't get back to our earlier conversation. I'll make an effort.

    The whole "congitive dissonance" thing actually is addressed at considerable length in Wright's book, which is right here on my desk as we speak. In fact, that objection to the claim about the resurrection are part of the background of the entire work. So, for Komarnitsky to say that Wright doesn't adequately rebut the cognitive dissonance idea simply means he missed the entire point. Well, a major point, anyway.

    Look, for Jews of the period, having potential Messiahs getting whacked by Romans or whoever was pretty much standard operating procedure. They might think the dead wanna-be Messiah was still a prophet, an idea that was within the Jewish mainstream since prophets were often murdered. They might, if they were Helenized, suppose that the potential Messiah experienced apotheosis. But, given what the Messiah was supposed to do, and given the eschatological timing of resurrection, the idea that Jesus was physically raised doesn't solve any problems. Nobody was expecting anything like a resurrection and the resurrection caused more problems than it would have solved, cognitively speaking. Simply put: the resurection made them more wrong than they were before. The whole point of cognative dissonance is to make you right, against the evidence.

    So, no, the idea of cognative dissonance does not seem to provide much of an explanation.

  • JonathanH

    Cognitive dissonance isn't about being right, it's about holding a belief contrary to evidence, that belief can easily be modified to fit the circumstances even if it's unnecessary or counter intuitive. JWs are a fantastic example of this. They are told on an almost regular basis that their beliefs were wrong, and then they blindly accept this and go with whatever "new light" is presented. Not only that they view the fact that they WERE wrong, but now have greater insight as being even better than if they had been right all along. They were just told that the generation that saw 1914 wouldn't be alive for armegeddon, but rather a second over lapping generation would be. This makes zero sense, completely invalidates a belief they've had in some form or another for decades and they accept it blindly and willingly. Cognitive dissonance isn't about being 100% right, it's about keeping a belief alive by any means possible. If making crap up makes that belief more palatable, or more special then they will gladly modify that belief and gladly admit that they had previously been mistaken.

    Adding an additional resurrection myth ontop of all the other myths that were ascribed to jesus does not some how make cognitive dissonance less likely, nor the kind of mass wishful thinking that you find in pentecostal and other churches today. Does the gentlemen anywhere in his 700 pages address why this particular ancient people was completely immune to any of the psychological phenomenon that are clearly demonstrated by the pentocostals in the video above, or really any number of religious denominations that have "supernatural" experiences that clearly aren't real?

  • TroyBrooks

    In reviewing the material posted on the internet about this book, it seems Kris Komarnitsky avoids two essential, crucial points (bullet proof points), that is, (1) people don't willingly die for what they know is a lie and (2) group hallucinations are impossible. If you ask God for a perfect proof of the resurrection of Jesus can we think of any better proof than these two points? I think not! If the body was found in the tomb then Christianity is dead. If there was fraud -- someone stole the body -- a stolen body does not account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles seeing, talking with, eating with Him, even touching, in various group settings (not just individual settings) of which the Bible provides 12 group accounts. Paul said he spent 15 days with Peter and time with James, and then 14 years later with James and Peter, with John also (read 1 Cor. 15, Gal. 1 & 2. If all you had were these 3 chapters you would have ample evidence Jesus is God and raised Himself from the grave. It seems clear to me the atheist, naturalist, etc. is himself experiencing "cognitive dissonance reduction" because he is unable to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings, and he is unable to find anyone in human history who was willing to die for what he knew was a lie. People simply do not do that. Therefore, we must conclude, as no other option exists, that Kris D. Komarnitsky is going to Hell and has chosen to eternally separate Himself from God.

    The Holy Spirit confirmed to me my finding

  • cofty
    (1) people don't willingly die for what they know is a lie

    But they do die for things they wrongly believe to be true.

    (2) group hallucinations are impossible.

    There are lots of examples of groups convincing themselves of shared delusions. There are some spectacular examples from the Hindu and Roman Catholic faiths.

    Nice to know that the holy spirit told you that you are right and anybody who disagrees is going to hell.

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