Looking back -- 2 years as sd-7

by sd-7 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    Yeah, apparently not, leavingwt. At least not for very long.

    It's been crazy, man. How the heck did we keep from losing our minds, going through all that stuff? It is truly amazing. I mean, wow. I really never imagined I'd even make it this far. I guess it wasn't exactly a perfect dismount from the WT balancing beam, but at least I didn't break my neck, eh?

    There's still so much work to do to unravel all the mind control and the false teachings and all that. I've still got a few research projects I've yet to really start on. As Jedi Master Luke Skywalker once said, "The best research is the kind you do yourself." Or something like that. I've got to check my Kindle to remember the exact quote. Anyway, I wanted to do my next project on the WT medical quackery. Not just blood, but all the other weird stuff, too.

    Hmm. Freedom is still a bit elusive, but at least you can't destroy hope, no matter how hard you try.

    I still read the Study Edition, just to see the broad range of subjects that I used to defer to WT judgment on. Ah, who doesn't remember all those times, throwing away a PG-13 movie because of one sex scene, where you don't even really see anything, but when you're single and lonely, well, one thing can lead to another, right? So, fun times. Really. I mean, I really liked 'Black Swan'. That was some crazy stuff, but...yeah.

    Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. Preview time! "Two hoboes. Two shotguns. ALL ACTION! Rutger Hauer is STILL a....Hobo With A Shotgun 2: The Second Coming." It's such a stupid preview, as are all my stupid previews, but it's all I can think about lately even though I never even saw that movie.

    Well...enjoy your weekend.


  • Nobleheart

    Happy 2 year anniversary !

    I'm really glad you're doing well and all the friends in the forum have contributed in any way to support you!

    Keep us posted while you can and have a pleasant weekend!

  • cantleave

    Christopher - congratualtions on 2 years posting here.

    You have made me laugh, cry and worry about you at times.

    At the end of the day you have added some qualityto this board, and I hope you continue posting for good while longer.

  • sherah

    Happy anniversary!

    I'm glad you decided to stay on this board. You are an asset and your spoofs are freakin hilarious.

    She-ra is the shit, that's why I chose her name.

  • skeeter1

    Happy Anniversay.

    From one misfit to another.


  • factfinder

    Happy Anniversary sd-7!

  • TotallyADD

    Happy Anniversary sd-7. I hope in two years I will be able to see how much I have grown. The cult really takes alot of you being human away from you. Its so nice to know how much your life is better by leaving the cult. Good luck to you. Totally ADD

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's been nice seeing you grow.

  • sizemik

    I'm encouraged by your post sd-7 . . . there's hope for me yet! . . . and congratulations to you . . . on all fronts.

    There's still so much work to do to unravel all the mind control and the false teachings and all that. I've still got a few research projects I've yet to really start on. As Jedi Master Luke Skywalker once said, "The best research is the kind you do yourself." Or something like that. I've got to check my Kindle to remember the exact quote. Anyway, I wanted to do my next project on the WT medical quackery.

    I've always liked this quote too . . .

    Of course I don't know what I'm doing . . . if I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be called research would it?

    - AE

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Happy anniversary Christopher.

    It has been an interesting journey.

    A couple of times I've wanted to reach through my monitor and slap you. LOL.



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