Did you get the optional recessed pall bearer handles?
I feel Italian today- can you say Cinquecento?
by moshe 40 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I got the auto and the same seats as u Moshe. It gets alot of attention. I look forward to next years turbo. 175 hp in a 2300lb car. I may turn my Genesis coupe in.
Our Prius gets better mpg, but the seats are like hard benches after an hour of freeway driving- we love the racing seats and the higher seating (more comfortable driving posture) and racy 6000 rpm shifting in sport mode. The target buyers were supposed to be under 35, but in SW Florida, it is the 50+ crowd that are the main buyers the dealer told me.- just like it was for the PT Cruiser. I just heard they have a Fiat 500 Ipad app.
Galeana is selling a few in Ft Misery. Much shorter drive from Cape Coma than Nipples. A friend just bought one and loves it. I think he has caught a full blown case of teh ghey.
Hate to rain on the parade Moshe, but that Alfa Romeo is butt fudging ugly. Rather be seen in a coffin.
wha happened?
well for the record I hope that Alfa hits our shores soon.
Well I'm off to Vegas and I look forward to driving this rather than my Genises coupe. That car is a blast but driving it for more than an hour can be uncomfortable
Really WHA!!!! Did you get one of these?
You...who teased me about a "Smart Car?"
wha happened?
yea well I needed a car for wifey, and we came up with this
Hey, I have something to tell you...are you by your cell?
I want the Abarth version.